People Are Getting Increasingly Toxic

  • For at least the last ten to fifteen play sessions I have had with this game I have been doing nothing but minding my own business doing quests and some world events by myself and each and every time I am off doing something, not bothering anyone mind you, I have a four person galleon come out of nowhere and sink my measly little solo sloop. Now I know that being solo in this game is sometimes a death sentence, and I shouldn't expect people to not do these sorts of things in this type of game, but it's really not fun spending my time gathering loot and gaining emissary grades just to lose it all to some crew who I can do nothing about. It's slowly killing the fun for me. I'm not a PVP player AT ALL. Like I will actively take routs around areas just to avoid people because I have been screwed over too many times to count at this point, but it's still happens no matter what. It's just rather toxic of these guys to do for no good reason. And yes, they often times have no reason. Usually I won't even have anything on my ship and they will go out of their way to make it just a little less fun for me. I wish there was some sort of PVE mode where this kind of griefing wasn't as prominent as it is in the current servers, but unfortunately I don't think this will happen. I think it could be good for the game for others like me who are having the same issues or who just don't like the PVP playstyle in general. I can almost hear some "PVP God" typing away at their keyboard saying the classic phrases such as "Just get good" or "Go play a different game". Well Despite the issues I have been having I think this is a really fun game, and I do enjoy playing it, but there needs to be some sort of option to opt out of PVP or just put in PVE based servers for players who don't enjoy PVP. It's not that hard, from what I know it's been talked about and even tested at Rare, its just a matter of implementing it into live servers at this point. Basically, its something they can do, but aren't doing for whatever reason. Oh well though, maybe in a future update. Here's hoping.

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  • There will be no pve servers provided and no way to ever opt out of pvp. These elements are part of the whared world and part of the game. They are quintessential SoT. When you sign on you need to be ready to be attacked at every given moment, especially when solo.

    Solo is advanced hard mode. You need to be able to hold your own for that mode. I recommend you find yourself a crew immediately.

    As a solo player you need to be constantly checking that horizon, cashing frequently, and evading other players. You HAVE to do this if you're going to play solo. Very few solo players are actually very good at the pvp in this game.

    So many players think that you can just hop on a sloop and do everything in this game and avoid combat. You can not unless you are a very advanced pirate.

  • You say they do it for no good reason, yet to be a pirate and steal your loot is the reason, and if you have nothing onboard, it could be preemptive since you are in their area, or because they want your supplies. As well, there will NEVER be pve servers, idk why suddenly pve server requests are popping up so much more than normal today, but you need look at the fate of the other posts asking for pve servers to understand, just click the link that the mods provide.

    Everyone called it, when rare took blurbs advice and make a warning that people will be more liable to come after you, people would ignore the warning that tells you that you are a target.

  • @personalc0ffee said in People Are Getting Increasingly Toxic:

    There will be no pve servers provided and no way to ever opt out of pvp. These elements are part of the whared world and part of the game. They are quintessential SoT. When you sign on you need to be ready to be attacked at every given moment, especially when solo.

    Solo is advanced hard mode. You need to be able to hold your own for that mode. I recommend you find yourself a crew immediately.

    As a solo player you need to be constantly checking that horizon, cashing frequently, and evading other players. You HAVE to do this if you're going to play solo. Very few solo players are actually very good at the pvp in this game.

    So many players think that you can just hop on a sloop and do everything in this game and avoid combat. You can not unless you are a very advanced pirate.

    This is fairly spot on. Everyone can solo sloop, but no one can just hop strait into it and expect to do amazing. It took me hundreds of hours of solo slooping since the day i started to get totally comfortable with it and even still im far from amazing. It takes practice and getting used to timing how long you have before you need to bucket, turn the wheel, or many other things.

  • Ahoy, going to be dropping anchor on this thread as there is a post about Rare's thoughts on PvPvE (including a link to the Sea of Thieves Podcast that discusses it) here:

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    Thank you.

2 out of 5