The betrayal of lost gold fort

  • So my friend recently bought the game and his first voyage he found himself an alliance that had done a fort of fortune. Shortly later I joined in and one of them was doing a normal skeleton fort by then my friend left and I decided to help them out, we were doing the last wave when a sloop got close and so he went off to deal with them. I used the cannon on my ship to kill the boss, when I grabbed the key the other ship from the alliance stopped by to pick up some of the treasure, suddenly I heard my ship explode I swam over to save it but I was too late. I immediately asked if anyone blew it up by then the first sloop was back and both denied blowing up. We continued to load up the fort treasure and one of the sloops blew up again, I rushed over to save it and one member of the second sloop killed me with a blunderbuss. I spawned close to the fort but they were over at plunder outpost by then and once I arrived at the outpost they sold everything at the sovereigns so I congratulated them and tried to kill one of them for a little revenge but I was too slow. Don’t always trust pirates

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