Can I get alliance by just having loot on board?

  • Can I get alliance by just having loot on board with out fighting?

  • 6
  • Good question, I think after your first win there will be a difference, not sure if you can do that without fighting and winning 1. Also you would most certainly get invaded eventually

  • @steppingfish438 said in Can I get alliance by just having loot on board?:

    Can I get alliance by just having loot on board with out fighting?

    No, unless someone else sinks the invading ship and you get a win.

  • @lem0n-curry ok thx for letting me know. Glad I didn't bother trying this

  • You only get a boost for having more and more loot onboard, the more loot you have, the more allegiance you gain from sinking the opponent.

  • @goldsmen ah

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