Please delete this

  • I urge RARE to remove the ability to fully repair the ship at the outpost. Cheaters have built this feature into their cheats, why should players without cheats lose battles because of RARE's incompetence?

  • 23
  • @ixxxoloff I get what you’re saying but cheaters are gonna cheat so why shouldn’t we get to rep our ships?

  • @jj-h816 at least the ships won't be repaired in a second. Should we at least limit cheaters in some way or do you enjoy losing to cheaters who fix their ship endlessly?

  • patch the exploits

    don't remove features for people that aren't violating the rules lol

  • Cheating ABSOLUTELY needs to be fixed

  • If using game assets to create cheats is how it works, devs might wanna look into skellies or Jack Sparrow aim

  • If rare does remove it for this reason, then this is a case of the few ruining something for many. If some one is cheating with something that is intended for everyone to use, then dont remove that thing from everyone who uses it as intended, but instead deal with the cheat its self, or the people using the cheat.

  • @ixxxoloff said in Please delete this:

    I urge RARE to remove the ability to fully repair the ship at the outpost. Cheaters have built this feature into their cheats, why should players without cheats lose battles because of RARE's incompetence?

    Punish everyone to defeat cheaters. No.

  • @jj-h816 said in Please delete this:

    Cheating ABSOLUTELY needs to be fixed

    *cough*Remove Steam*cough*

    Problem solved.

  • @foambreaker I mean too many players use it to be viable solution but you aren’t wrong

  • @jj-h816 said in Please delete this:

    @foambreaker I mean too many players use it to be viable solution but you aren’t wrong

    That is the tricky part we can only hope the managers are thinking about. Do we please our current base and risk new player retention or do we risk our current base and shoot for new player retention.

    I myself always go for the latter because I watch EVE decline for years pleasing the current base, by the time they realized how import new player retention was it was pretty much too late.

  • @foambreaker I don't really understand why there is a full ship repair function. In my opinion it is the stupidest thing that exists in the game.

  • @ixxxoloff Because people begged for it for a long time, for some reason. They wanted to keep their battle scars between sessions or be able to repair their hull for nice pictures, I guess. Which is fine, but what it ultimately did was punish players who don't have tons of gold on hand by sentencing them to always log in to a ship that looks beat to heck because they don't want to or can't afford to pay the restoring fee.

    It's very sad for me. I'm stingy and don't want to waste gold, so I end up with a battered-looking ship when I log in, which seems like a downgrade for non-captained ships since those always look shiny and new. Weird to pay 250,000 gold to have a garbage-looking ship at log in, but whatever.

  • Removing features just because hackers exist is a bad logic.

    Remove fort of the damned, cause it's so close to Reaper's Hideout and people on alliance servers are grinding millions easily.
    Remove guns/knife, cause criminals use them to commit crime.
    Remove peanuts completely, cause some people are allergic.

    No mate. The hackers need to be dealt with, not content and features of the game.

  • @jj-h816
    I mean whats next, remove the bucket? Because there is also a bucket hack that removes all the water out insta kinda like the repair hack.

    I agree, game needs an actual good anti-cheat.

  • @ix-indi-xi better start with a good network code)

  • I think you can only repair once per in game day IE 24 minutes... I haven't actually timed this but I tested it out once because I was like man this would be so broken if you could just spam repair while docked at an outpost in a pvp battle. So not sure this is much of an issue? If the timer is shorter than 24 minutes like just a flat 5 min timer then they could simply change it to be a in game daily reset at like midnight each day or something.

  • @ixxxoloff it's only useful function is to cheese port battles, which is kind of lame anyway.

  • @ixxxoloff
    I have my doubts, the thought of them importing to UE5 in my understanding is unrealistic, the game is on a Modified version of UE4 which apparently isn't a simple ''import'' button. The pipeline just probably isn't supported and im assuming re-coding the game from scratch on UE5 and better testing to actually fix hit registration problems isn't in their best interest, when the game is already 5 years down the line.

  • @ix-indi-xi I don't quite understand, why port the game to UE5 and write the code from scratch? Why did you write that?

  • @ixxxoloff
    You mentioned networking, probs has to do with something with that, hit-reg etc.

  • The idea was to refresh the cosmetic look of the ship. There should be something to prevent paying just to repair the holes. The best thing would be a check for any unrepaired damage to the ship requiring the player to make the necessary repairs before having the cosmetics fixed. Alternately, an acceptance message could pop up stating "The shipwright is not responsible for any unpatched damages to the ship. Failure to repair could result in the loss of your ship." If the person accepts after this and they have unrepaired damages, it could auto sink the ship and give the message "The shipwright was unable to complete repairs due to excessive damage."

  • @ix-indi-xi as far as hit reg goes, most of the problems i've seen have to do with internet quality. You and Rare can have the best internet quality, but if you're fighting someone who has poor internet quality, hit reg issues will increase. Everyone seems to complain about hit reg but fails to remember that this is not a controlled network environment where Rare can perfect it. You're dealing with various network quality issues and the best you can do is try to minimize it. I think Rare has been doing the best they can to keep hit reg issues to a minimum. They have plenty of other issues that are often bigger than a one-off hit reg due to latency on the position registration in the connected systems that's beyond they're control. No online multiplayer game can avoid hit reg issues when dealing with projectile style hit tracing. Some deal with it by doing ray tracing, but that's going backward in technology. Pure ray tracing doesn't feel the same as handling the bullet like a projectile.

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