New Hourglass combat mode: Armada Battles

  • New addition to the Hourglass of Fate system: Armada Battles

    How it would work

    When players vote to battle using the Hourglass, the war map will display a new option alongside the usual option of voting for a 1 vs 1 ship battle. This new option would put players in a 3 vs 3 battle known as a fleet battle.

    By voting on this option, players will dive below the water in a similar manner to regular battles. From there two other ships would join into the queue tunnels, similar to how open crew works. Or, you could instead invite another players ship into the queue tunnel from your friend list.

    While the three ships are in the queue, you would be able to interact with them while the game searches for another fleet for you to fight against.

    How battles would play out

    Once a battle has been found the two fleets will rise out of the water in the same area as the other fleet, identical to how battles work now. To ensure a fair fight, the fleets would be matched against another fleet of the same size/type.

    This means that if we have a fleet composing of:

    • One Galleon
    • Two Brigantines

    They would be matched up against a fleet composing of:

    • One Galleon
    • Two Brigantines

    The battles would carry out nearly identical to how 1 vs 1 battles take place, with a few differences.

    • The battle zone is significantly larger than 1 vs 1 battles

    • Friendly-Fire is disabled in the fleets, meaning someone from a ship in the fleet can't damage someone or deal damage to another ship in the same fleet.

    • Allegiance/Hourglass value is awarded per individual ship sunk, meaning a ship can't just sit back and let the rest of the team sink the rest of the ships for easy wins.

    All in all I feel this would help add some variety to Hourglass combat.

  • 3
  • Would love to have the option, as I keep saying my SoT group is bigger than 4 and we want to play together. We used to queuesync and do things like skeleton fleets, but we haven't gotten it to work anymore.

    Would realistically tank performance though. Even galleon vs galleon 1v1 fights noticably hurt performance.

  • @scheneighnay By the way there would also be another option to defend in this mode - emergently encountering other ships would allow you to form a fleet with them. To do this, the ships must:

    A) Be in a group of three ships and be close together

    B) The three ships must be in an alliance together AND have the Hourglass active to the same faction

    C) Once this is done a new option will appear on the quest table - ships must do a majority vote to form a fleet.

    Once this is done a fleet is formed which allows ships to do the defending mode on the Hourglass.

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