Our whole loot disappeared

  • I'm guessing my mistake was that I said after 2 hours ingame "Oh that's nice, we didn't get any bug."

    So here we are, doing our Veil quest peacefully, when we suddenly couldn't find any loot on our ship. We had about 20-30 items up on the ship, all gone. So were our 2 storage crates. We decided to complete the quest anyway, we got all the Athena loot, and 5mn later, all gone again.

    What a night.

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  • @ramibalek
    Maybe you had a really, really good tucker.
    I'm joking though. I haven't experienced this bug (though I've mostly been trying the new PvP mode and haven't had much treasure) but I'm interested if anyone else has.

  • No lost Veil loot here.
    I've been running those today. Not stacking just turning in between each section.

  • Yeah I'd also be curious about any similar feedback.
    We already experienced chests disappearing during Veil quests in the past months, but only the chest that you get in a shipwreck (the one that has the stone inside).
    We never saw anything like today. It was like, we organize our loot, go check the map, come back => loot gone. 2 times in a row.

  • Same exact bug happened to me. Did a veil, got matched a few times and sunk them. Finished the veil, sail away and veil de spawns. Minute later I realize that all the loot on my boat is gone. Whether it's related to the veil or not it just disappeared, storage crates and all. But the grade 5 hourglass didn't change meaning I didn't sell any loot or had it leave my boat. Kinda made the session pretty depressing after that. :(

    Guess just don't do veils this season until they patch that, really sucks.

  • We had a similar experience yesterday.
    We did the veil quest with an active allegiance up, sunk while fighting the fort at the end due to stupidity and came back to finish the voyage and at least get the treasure from it.
    When we had everything on board and set sail the Kraken attacked us and after we fended it off all the loot aboard our ship was just gone.
    I’d guess either the voyage itself is bugged or it has to do with the allegiance, we didn’t have allegiance up when finishing the voyage though.

  • There are some people who will sneak on your ship and just throw your loot overboard. While some might do a rowboat play to try and cash in all that loot there are others who just want to troll and make it so you wasted all your time on PvE because to them that is fun. Ruining your day. So if it happened twice and you didn't have a rowboat... some dude was just throwing away your stuff. You can look at your recent players on the xbox and see if you had encountered anyone at those times. Might be harder to do now if you have played more since. But if you all logged off after it happened you might be able to see a name that wasn't part of your crew met around the time this stuff started happening.

    Due to the nature of this game a lot of people want to blame stuff on bugs when it could just be stealing. Or throwing away. Like it also could have been 2 people 1 throwing the loot overboard telling a friend what island you were at so they could follow in a rowboat and just grab the loot after. More likely just some chaotic evil having his fun by ruining your night. To throw that much loot over board though and none of you notice... Question were you on a galleon or sloop and putting everything in the captain quarters? Because that's always a big mistake since everything's out of sight. Did you hear any unusual splashing like stuff was being tossed in the water and just thought it was a bug?

    With captaincy and sovereigns I think most people are just making a big loot pile in the front of their ship for quick harpooning and it has all the loot in sight so if someone is messing with it you are more likely to notice.

  • Just happened to me, solo slooping. I had a decent pile of loot on the bowsprit and decided to go ahead and vote the hourglass up for passive mode. It completely wiped my loot off the ship.

    This may be intended so that players can't stack for the faction treasure multiplier with no risk of invasion (and I personally think that's good gameplay design), but it was frustrating since I didn't expect it to happen.

    Edit: I wasn't running Athena. Was a gold hoarder. Had done one captain voyage and cleared a sea fortress before voting on the hourglass.

  • I'm pretty confident that it's not tuckers related. We were on a sloop and we just looked away for a few seconds, not enough time to throw all our loot overboard.
    Plus, we would have seen loot in the water (we came back to check) and we would have heard it fall as well.

    This might be linked to the new update which makes your loot disappear when matchmaking.
    No more Veil quests until I hear something official about it.

  • @ramibalek This just happened to me and two friends. While destroying the forts all our treasure and storage crates disappeared. Instead of quitting we picked up a phantom supply crate and continued after completing before we collected the treasure the phantom storage crate also disappeared. We believe when we sunk a phantom ship nearby and it exploded it erased everything onboard. This happened to us twice and would explain why our stuff was deleted twice in one mission. We were not recording however so this is just a hypothesis

  • I've had loot vanish as well. I can handle some 'fun bugs', like my ship getting flung into the atmosphere, but bugs like loot disappearing are the furthest thing from fun.

  • I haven't had it happen to me yet, but I saw a funny video of it happening to someone on reddit. Looked like a freaking cartoon, he was moving their stack from around the harpoon onto the bow, and as he was turning back to the bow with a chest in hand, you see the chest vanish from his hands and all the loot is gone. He looks back, all the other loot is gone, and he just kinda does a double take. The rest of the crew come running up and looking around, he checks the back to see if it fell through but there's nothing. But that initial triple take... chefs kiss

  • @danbeardluff I agree, this kind of bug is a deal breaker. It seems to be happening only on Veil quests though, we never had this problem in the rest of our adventures.

    Ok so if the guy on reddit had it when harpooning stuff and not fighting, I guess it's purely random. Could be something like one of the ships on the server is matchmaking, and at this exact moment the game removes the loot on the wrong boat.

  • @necronikolai13 Do you have a link to that video?

  • There currently is a bug where everything from a veil voyage that was found in a SHIPWRECK GRAVEYARD disappears after you put the final veilstone and the Pirate Lord finished his monologue. Everything you put into the treasure chest will disappear. The whole treasure chest disappears. Same goes for all other items from that shipwreck graveyard, no matter if Athena or not. All gone.

    There also is another bug where you lose actually ALL of your treasure (supply crates, everything except your ship and its barrels) when diving for battle. Thats also annoying but only happened to me twice so far since the update.

    Would be nice if these kind of things were listed in the "known issues" on the release notes though.

  • @axecaliburtv loot disappearing when diving for battle is actually a feature, not a bug. That's how it works.

  • @ramibalek I'm pretty sure that storage crates, cannonball crates and wood crates are not supposed to disappear.

  • I've had loot disappear multiple times, it tends to happen very often after sinking skelly ships. The loot floats in the water, you shoot the harpoon, it connects, comes back empty and the loot you aimed at disappears. I have also had a chest of ancient tribute disappear the moment I sat it down on the ground after carrying it on my boat. Pressed X and it was gone. I have also had my entire supplies vanish in one instance, while the chests where in plain sight.

    Definitely a bug, and a frustrating one.

  • had the same bug after doing my first veil a week or so ago. Even things I got before the veil voyage disappeared. I recorded the loot literally vanishing from my hands.

    I've been told it has to do with their fix to the shipwreck exploit that was present in the voyage.

    I've stolen other people's veils, so I just count it as Rare tucked on my boat and took it all lol

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