The Shrouded Ghost

  • I am here today to recruit the help of another fellow pirate trying to find the Legendary Shrouded Ghost. I have been sailing the Sea of Thieves for almost 3 years now and have yet to meet the Ghost. I'm seriously looking though and could use help if interested. I know to keep away from islands and portruding boulders on the sea and patience. 😂 It will be time consuming but having the honor and glory of meeting and defeating this Meg and reaping the rewards along with its defeat, will be forever apart of anyone involved. I'm going to be sailing today around 6 p.m. (E.S.T.).
    Thank you and good journey! 😊

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  • I hope you find it.

    To truly hunt the pale predator it becomes a hunt like no other

    nothing I have ever searched for or hunted can compare to an organic shrouded hunt

  • Aye matey, it has been and will continue to be a grand adventure looking for this legendary beast! 😆. I probably will have to continue alone on my endeavor to find the 👻 but one day we will meet. Cheers and Good journey to you matey and I'm on at 6 p.m. today(E.S.T) if interested? If not, I understand. 😂 😂

  • Sadly i dont think any crew mate will be able to help find it sooner, its just about deep waters, the area south of morrows peak, around the arena tavern, and near thieves haven are the most common places i get meg spawns at, but my personal experience with that may not be so common for others.

  • Call me Ishmael. I'm relatively new to meg hunting but I too want to find the mythical white megalodon! Or any meg. If you don't mind stopping for other megs, I would love to be a part of your hunt!

  • @inertcadaver said in The Shrouded Ghost:

    Call me Ishmael. I'm relatively new to meg hunting but I too want to find the mythical white megalodon! Or any meg. If you don't mind stopping for other megs, I would love to be a part of your hunt!

    If you want to consistently find megs you'll need to plan for sessions that can range from an hour to sometimes up to 2 hours and there will occasionally be dead servers where you just don't get the spawn

    There is a lot that goes into high efficiency organic meg hunting, too many things to really share in a helpful way, that is where experience comes in

    in general there are a few things to know

    server merges are gonna mess with your meg timer, often times completely resetting the timer
    the same goes with sinking

    I would set a multitask objective to fill that time so you aren't just spinning donuts in open water for an hour.

    Whatever you enjoy doing, fill that time with productivity based on your enjoyment/goals

    Fill that hour and then spend time in open water.

    You can do things like steal other's megs and use other boats to increase chances of seeing a meg or even killing 2 megs in a shorter amount of time but this is a much riskier meg hunting tactic. More chances to get sunk, higher chance of losing out on a meg. You're gambling with a minimum of an hour of time so stick with your comfort zones for consistency imo.

    This is for the current environment, any update can bring intentional and unintentional changes which requires gaining more experience and adapting and implementing for efficiency

    As far as area goes you can stick to the outside if you want but areas I like are in between sea dog tavern and fotd, in between reapers and plunder valley closer to wanderer's side and avoid that treasury over there, between plunder and thieves haven is alright. any of the outside is alright. Some have their theories on areas. The only change I've noticed with area is that I haven't had a meg during a fleet in a long long time. I'd avoid the fleet area for megs, that area in general is so buggy for pve the last few seasons.

    If you figure something out that works just roll with it no matter what anyone says, results are results so if you pop megs follow it where it takes you.

  • @wolfmanbush Thank you! I didn't know that the fleet could mess with megs spawning! Is the area south east-ish of ashen reaches good as well, or do you think the volcanos will interfere with meg hunting?

  • @inertcadaver said in The Shrouded Ghost:

    @wolfmanbush Thank you! I didn't know that the fleet could mess with megs spawning! Is the area south east-ish of ashen reaches good as well, or do you think the volcanos will interfere with meg hunting?

    not somewhere I go often but as long as it's open water it should be alright

    another thing that I do is I stay away from shipwrecks, shipwrecks over time seem to mess with pve spawns so as a general rule I stay away from them when meg hunting. Which makes sense as they would get caught on the shipwreck if they spawned around them.

    as far as spots go, if you want to hide out south east of ashen reaches the best way to test it is to sit down there and wait for one to spawn. If one spawns in a spot it shows you that there isn't an issue with them spawning there (as long as a shipwreck isn't randomly there)

    Meg hunting has changed over time as they changed spawn rates (unofficially) and as crowding happened. This has created a scenario of fewer megs in fewer areas compared to a couple of years ago so it's a long drawn out hunt now but if you have the time and you put in the effort you will still pop a few megs a day. The more meg encounters the better the chance of a shrouded so it's all about long term consistent meg encounters.

    It took me over 2500 megs for 1 shrouded and I'm over 3500 encounters now and still 1 shrouded so this is a hunt like no other.

  • @wolfmanbush Thank you! Good luck on your second shrouded!

  • @inertcadaver said in The Shrouded Ghost:

    @wolfmanbush Thank you! Good luck on your second shrouded!

    I went south east of ashen reaches to check it out for you

    don't love all the rocks and there is a volcano down there but I got the spawn so at least you know it works for now.

    I showed the map in the clip so you know exact location

  • ahhh the one that got away. this crazy beast has yet to show her face for me as well. goodluck let us know when you do find her

  • I think the best approach is to forget it exists, considering there's nothing you can do to specifically make it spawn.

    I wasn't looking for her, just enjoyed the game and one day she decided to pay me a visit.

    Happy hunting!

  • @luciansanchez82 said in The Shrouded Ghost:

    I think the best approach is to forget it exists, considering there's nothing you can do to specifically make it spawn.

    I wasn't looking for her, just enjoyed the game and one day she decided to pay me a visit.

    Happy hunting!

    certainly a valid way to approach and people can't change the spawn but they can give themselves a much better chance with consistent spawns

    especially in the current environment of meg spawns where it takes significantly longer on a server to see one than it used to.

    depending how someone plays they could see very few megs in their playstyle

    just depends how bad someone wants it

  • The best adventures happen when you least expect it, instead of looking for it continually you should carry on with your normal work. One day it may show it's pale face to you.

  • @deano-m-tsc I will do and cheers!

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