Applying Captaincy for Ships Without Current Captain

  • When a captain leaves and captaincy is lost, or if a player who owns their own captained ship is on the crew of a ship with no current captain, the crew of the ship should be allowed to vote that the ship change into a captained ship owned by one of the players.

    They decide who's ship of the same class to turn it into (sloop to sloop, brig to brig) by voting on a table, like the unused one at the sovereign. Maybe put one at Reapers Hideout too.

    You have to own a ship of the same class to put down your captaincy contract on the table, like a voyage. Multiple players could put down their contract, and the one that gets majority, the ship becomes the purchased and saved ship of that player.

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  • the crew of the ship should be allowed to vote that the ship change into a captained ship owned by one of the players.

    I be okie with this but…the voting would be problem. On a sloop, fine it works only one person. But galleon? 3 people voting to be captain

    This back to “pirate king” and everyone voting for themselves.

    And it be fine if once voted, your thrown back into the main menu

  • @burnbacon the point is to not go back to the main menu to start over. Let say your ship was captained and the captain lost connection and lost captaincy with a ton of loot. Having a way to switch captions or add your captaincy back would be a wonderful feature.

    Heck even if you are solo slooping and you want to change your ships name or change ships for incognito reasons or to earn a specific commendation on a ship is good enough reason. Example you are in your regular sloop and you want to change to your HG ship. Perhaps you want to vote down. Captaincy to a generic ship so you don't have to pay for repairs after several HG battles.

    This would definitely be a quality of life update that captains really need.

    Also if the crew is so dysfunctional that they can't vote up a new captain for a ship then they would have the same problem voting on a voyage. In that case you need a new crew not a new captained ship.

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