Solo Sloop Vs Skeleton Sloops, Tips Please

  • So i've been playing this game solo for 2 years, and I still struggle with these bloody skeleton sloops. Anyone have any tips on dealing with them solo? I seem to always get torn apart by their cannon balls and screwed over by their cursed cannonballs

    or am i just screwed as a solo player, since i can't steer, bail, repair, and shoot at the same time?

  • 18
  • hit them at the cannon over and over, go slow

    it'll kill the cannon skelly and keep the hole from getting repaired at the same time

  • @jynn-n-tonic in addition to overwhelming them with cannonballs, a couple of fireballs on their cannon line helps with keeping the skeletons at bay.

  • If it's spawning on you, hit it while it's rising to get more holes to start.

    Firebombs will keep the skellies from repairing too.

    Then what Wolfman said.

  • If it's spawning on you, hit it while it's rising to get more holes to start.

    Firebombs will keep the skellies from repairing too.

    Then what Wolfman said.

  • A bit hard to say...

    But for most part working out for what I see players do in game my Q would be do you sail at "full speed" in a fight? with the ship jumping up and down which can make it harder to hit

    as for the "or am i just screwed as a solo player, since i can't steer, bail, repair, and shoot at the same time?" practice makes perfect...

    Now this is videos so not sure how much it may help you will still need to try it out in-game

    Phuzzy have alot of good guides

  • @jynn-n-tonic B-line it for the largest land mass island/outpost and then stop the ship. They will hit you a few times but then they will circle the island giving you lots of time to recover. Also, if you wait until they're on the opposite side and then sail off in the other direction you will normally lose them.

  • I’ve gotten to where skelly sloops aren’t a problem (and I actively hunt them) using the tips you already got. Also, learn what your ship sounds like when it’s about to sink, and don’t bother to bail/repair until it’s close; you can’t sink the skelly unless you’re putting holes in it 😁

    Alain they can’t get too close to islands or outposts, if you need some breathing room, or if you can run far enough they’ll de-aggro.

  • Plan ahead. Prepare for the unexpected ships if your not hunting them.

    Firebombs help

    Aim below the water line

    Raise half sail

    Curses for extra fun

  • @jynn-n-tonic

    OoS ghost ship voyages are perfect to learn micro-managing your sloop. Ships only take 3 cannonball shots but there are plenty of them. Perfect practice imo.

  • Thanks for the tips everyone, i'll keep that in mind


    • Half sail, going slower prevents the bouncing that can throw off the cannon shots
    • Firebomb at the cannon line to keep skellies at bay
    • Pour cannonballs into them as they rise up
    • Don't bail until necessary, focus on damage initially
    • Use large islands as breathing room if necessary
    • Can try to run and de-agro as they circle the island

    thanks guys! these have been a huge pain for me and i've struggled to get good at fighting the alone

  • @kozakderg said in Solo Sloop Vs Skeleton Sloops, Tips Please:


    OoS ghost ship voyages are perfect to learn micro-managing your sloop. Ships only take 3 cannonball shots but there are plenty of them. Perfect practice imo.

    i've tried those and always get overwhelmed since they are packed up so tight and i end up with cannon balls coming from every direction, even when i try to single one out at the edge lol. guess i need more practice in that too

  • Stay on the outside of their circle

    Also if you can, pull the skellies into a storm. They don't bail, but still fill up.

  • @jynn-n-tonic said in Solo Sloop Vs Skeleton Sloops, Tips Please:

    @kozakderg said in Solo Sloop Vs Skeleton Sloops, Tips Please:


    OoS ghost ship voyages are perfect to learn micro-managing your sloop. Ships only take 3 cannonball shots but there are plenty of them. Perfect practice imo.

    i've tried those and always get overwhelmed since they are packed up so tight and i end up with cannon balls coming from every direction, even when i try to single one out at the edge lol. guess i need more practice in that too

    I've done one a few days ago as a solo sloop. I spent probably almost an hour finishing it and I was shaking by the end of it because it was intense. 😅

    Some tips that might help:

    • Don't be afraid of your ship taking in water. Sloops can take in quite a bit of water before it becomes dangerous.
    • Ominous wood crackling sound starts playing when your ship is close to sinking, You have about 20-30 seconds to start bailing water before you sink. It's a good indicator if you want to keep focusing firepower on a passing ship and you suffered damage.
    • Number one rule of ship repair. Always bail water before repairing your ship. About 5-6 bucket bails empty your sloop of all water. Prioritize bailing over repairing.
    • Always come head on against an enemy ghost ship then hard steer to one direction and immediately steer to the other side. Draw a half circle around the ship you are approaching. This way you have enough cannon shots to put in, before you get into the firing range of the enemy ghost ship, you could scuttle them before they even get a shot at you.
    • If you approach a ship rapidly head on, do your best to very closely pass them, basically almost touching the ship. If you are too close to their broadside, they don't fire.
    • Careful planning and approach of ships can make or break your passing by and scuttling of the ghost ships. Always target a specific ship and make up in your mind which one you are going to focus on.

    I recommend watching some vids from Schrogs. He gives you some of the best combat tips and strategies you can utilize. I bid you good luck on your voyages Captain. :)

  • @jynn-n-tonic You can solo defeat any skellie ship absolutely risk free with a bit of practice.

    Raise sails to 50%, then get close enough to them so that you can land a harpoon shot on their rear. Using a mixture of reeling in (Mouse2) and harpoon locking (R), get your two boats into a never-ending spiral, with you a modest distance behind them. If it's positioned right, the harpoon will keep them from getting a shot on you. Do a hard reel to turn them if they look like they might be close to getting one.

    Once you're in the death spiral, your number 1 priority is maintaining that harpoon distance, and recognizing when positioning/angles might cause the hook to release. You can't be on it 100% of the time and expect to win, but you need to get a feel for how long you can step away from it to do tasks, balanced against how much extra reeling in you'll have to do to get back into that position after the task.

    With a mix of relaxing the harpoon and reeling it in you'll be able to give yourself a firing position on the enemy ship with zero risk of them firing back.

    It can take some time to sink them the first few times while you're futzing around with the harpoon, but once you've got it, they go down quick.

    ...I just noticed this post is two months old, but it's still on the first page so I guess I'm replying anyway.

  • @wulf2k Ahh, well, it’s a necro but you posted an interesting technique that I may try out so definitely no harm done.

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