Merchant Voyage

  • Hey, quick back story I've been grinding on pirate legend and the last one i need right now is merchant. During this time I've been doing the lost ship voyages. The issue is multiple times the game has told me to go to The North Star Sea Post and Serik is the one they talked to. Everytime ive gone it has the loot and when i talk to Serik and go through every single option there isn't one to give me the next clue. While not game breaking it is frustrating. Any help would be great thank you so much.

  • 6
  • @freshestjew You can report issues with the game at the support:

  • Same here

  • same here :(

  • Same here as well

  • @cristiano079 @javipas4416 @ol-capt-crusty please log your problem by sending a ticket to support as suggested.

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