Sea of Thieves lifespan

  • I was just wondering how many years we have left in the game. SoT is by far the best game I’ve ever played, I just hope it continues to exist for a good while. I’m hoping that Microsoft see a lot of worth in it as they seem to advertise the game a lot. I would appreciate other peoples thoughts.

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  • @hijack-hayes said in Sea of Thieves lifespan:

    I was just wondering how many years we have left in the game. SoT is by far the best game I’ve ever played, I just hope it continues to exist for a good while. I’m hoping that Microsoft see a lot of worth in it as they seem to advertise the game a lot. I would appreciate other peoples thoughts.

    Rare's original plan was for a 10 year game as a service model. Beings that we are just over 4 years in, we are only close to the halfway point if everything is still on track with their original design for the game.

  • @kommodoreyenser I hope so dude, I dread to think of the day we can no longer sail. How about you?

  • 10 years was what they said four years ago... So please don't tell me that they didn't had one great idea since then ... This is the only game i would like to play when i'm retired , you know , all Old Pirates together ,having new Adventures while remembering the Epic Times of back then ...i have no doubt that people like Mr Chapman are ever flowing streams of new ideas. So i hope that my Dear Mr Spencer let this game run or he will face an Armada of disgruntled Pirates coming from over the Atlantic...And we don't take prisoners ;)

  • @hijack-hayes said in Sea of Thieves lifespan:

    @kommodoreyenser I hope so dude, I dread to think of the day we can no longer sail. How about you?

    Honestly? I have been playing since about a month after launch in 2018. I have done pretty much everything and some things twice over on this account. Aside from getting from Athena 25 to 30, I am just in it for the story now. Something of which we need to get it moving along. It's been kinda in the same spot since late 2019. I know there were outcries for content but the game is overflowing with it now that they had to reduce server player count to compensate.

    Let's get some Flameheart doing some actual stuff in the World to change it and/or some real battles happening. Let's stop the one-sided adventures and the PvE grind two-sided adventures that result in zero meaningful change or story progress! Two-sided decision adventures that pit Athena's Fortune and Flameheart's Reaper followers directly in conflict with one another and the victor decided by a statistic that is actually conflict oriented. I would personally love something along the lines of GTA San Andreas's territory system but PvP oriented involving all the outposts across the Sea. It would have to be one at a time like Golden Sands but it needs to pit the two factions directly against each other and for the love of SoT, test it enough to remove cheese from both sides.

  • @hijack-hayes SOT brought something different and so unique to the table when every game was trying to be COD or PUBG. To me is impossible to see such a gem of a game just as a 10 years plan adventure.

    Contracts can be renewed, people change and in the end Microsoft will never give up their flagship game that launched gamepass.

  • @metal-ravage I hope you're right. I've always felt they make a big deal of showcasing SoT, as they should. Wonder if we would potentially get a SoT 2.

  • @hijack-hayes said in Sea of Thieves lifespan:

    @metal-ravage I hope you're right. I've always felt they make a big deal of showcasing SoT, as they should. Wonder if we would potentially get a SoT 2.

    Overwatch got a sequel and isn't as unique as SOT.

  • Carpe, carpe. Carpe diem. Seize the day, pirates. Make your lives extraordinary.

    alt text

  • @wolfmanbush would he be stylised as Captain Robbin' Williams?

  • @hijack-hayes said in Sea of Thieves lifespan:

    @wolfmanbush would he be stylised as Captain Robbin' Williams?

    O Captain! My Captain!

  • @wolfmanbush said in Sea of Thieves lifespan:

    Carpe, carpe. Carpe diem. Seize the day, pirates. Make your lives extraordinary.

    alt text

    Finis coronat opus

  • Endings are unpredictable and inevitable

    worry isn't ever anything that changes an uncontrollable outcome it's just self inflicted and undeserved punishment

    It's going to end, even people with plans and power aren't guaranteed an ending from their script.

    If you love it now, live in the moment every day you play it. It's what you take with you later, it'll be bittersweet someday but something else will be there for you. A different experience, it won't be the same but it will also be special in some way.

    We have it today, we had it yesterday, if things go alright we will have it tomorrow. That's about as good as it gets when it comes to attachment to an experience.

  • It's an interesting topic. I'm curious what happens when the game is finally done with development. I'd like to think there's some hand off of online capability to the community to host their own servers but, being Microsoft, I am not sure that would happen - despite their recent form of keeping old games alive.

    I think it's a long way off and, being a GAAS title, there's plenty of scope for the game to shift and change over the years. I guess it all depends on how profitable it remains, but I don't see an end to the ideas on Rare's side to grow it.

    Even if this game ends, I would hope they continue to grow its universe via other titles. I've said in the past that I would love an RPG adventure set in the Sea of Thieves universe. But I can see where it could fit other genres as well. As a franchise, it has the potential at least to last a long, long time.

  • @realstyli said in Sea of Thieves lifespan:

    It's an interesting topic. I'm curious what happens when the game is finally done with development. I'd like to think there's some hand off of online capability to the community to host their own servers but, being Microsoft, I am not sure that would happen - despite their recent form of keeping old games alive.

    I think there is zero chance of that happening. There would be a higher chance that some group decides to create an emulated server and run it themselves.

    I don't expect that the servers will get shut off the moment they cease active development either. If people are still playing it (and buying stuff in the Emporium), it'll likely stay in maintenance mode until the day that it becomes more expensive to keep the servers running than what they are bringing in through sales. Team Fortress 2 has been running like this for years because it still creates quite a bit of revenue.

  • @d3adst1ck

    You are more than likely right but, assuming it doesn't become like TF2, I don't see the community being able to step in and emulate servers given how much the game relies on Azure server tech to run. I would think it'd need some kind of official end support to make it feasible to host servers elsewhere.

  • I will be sad when the Shroud eventually overtakes the Sea, but I have had many other numerous adventures in the past that have passed, and I still fondly remember those. I imagine it will be much the same with my pirate life. C'este la vie!

  • If SoT is like Skyrim, stand the rest of time. It be great. (Or even GTA and RDR2)

    10 years and we already past 4. What will the year 5 mark bring us? What about year 8?

  • The game will never die for as long as it's profitable.

    See games like World of Warcraft or GTA Online for reference.

15 out of 19