Ship name exclusivity

  • Does anybody know how ship naming will go as far as exclusivity goes? Once you choose a name will that be the only one in the game or that server or could there be multiple boats with the same name?

  • 29
  • Hopefully people can name what they want within the rules

    If there are going to be 500 Mrs. Doubtfire boats out there I think that is alright.

  • Probably the same way pets are named.

    I'd rather not have to deal with "That name already exists"

  • Gonna see a lot of players using the same "Streamer" name :p

    If you think about it...this a good start at making Outside alliances, fleets & Clans/guilds. (of course anyone can name there ship) but think about it. :)

  • I think it would be better if they were exclusive, like gamertags, so that when you see a ship's name you will always know who is the real captain.

    I also think it would make more people come up with unique names rather than just 50% of ships being "black pearl" or "flying dutchman"

  • @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    I think it would be better if they were exclusive, like gamertags, so that when you see a ship's name you will always know who is the real captain.

    I also think it would make more people come up with unique names rather than just 50% of ships being "black pearl" or "flying dutchman"

    it's creates name hoarding and creates a name selling market which always ends up being sketchy and just not very fun for people that just want to name their boat what they like.

  • BoatyMcBoatface4726264846969420

  • @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    I think it would be better if they were exclusive, like gamertags, so that when you see a ship's name you will always know who is the real captain.

    I also think it would make more people come up with unique names rather than just 50% of ships being "black pearl" or "flying dutchman"

    it's creates hoarding names and creates a name selling market which always ends up being sketchy and just not very fun for people that just want to name their boat what they like.

    Personally I dont see this as an issue at all, especially not one that would outweight the concept of unique names and community fame/infamy.

    Same thing applies to gamertags and I dont believe that it has ever been a real issue in any video game. But that's just my humble opinion.

  • @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    I think it would be better if they were exclusive, like gamertags, so that when you see a ship's name you will always know who is the real captain.

    I also think it would make more people come up with unique names rather than just 50% of ships being "black pearl" or "flying dutchman"

    it's creates hoarding names and creates a name selling market which always ends up being sketchy and just not very fun for people that just want to name their boat what they like.

    Personally I dont see this as an issue at all, especially not one that would outweight the concept of unique names and community fame/infamy.

    Same thing applies to gamertags and I dont believe that it has ever been a real issue in any video game. But that's just my humble opinion.

    I've seen it for over 20 years while tagging along with the internet. People did it with chat names back in the day, games like diablo 2. A lot of shady business gets involved, always has online with exclusive names tied to social status.

    Family friendly game I think people should be able to log in and name their boat whatever they want and if others use similar/same names that's within their freedom.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    I think it would be better if they were exclusive, like gamertags, so that when you see a ship's name you will always know who is the real captain.

    I also think it would make more people come up with unique names rather than just 50% of ships being "black pearl" or "flying dutchman"

    it's creates hoarding names and creates a name selling market which always ends up being sketchy and just not very fun for people that just want to name their boat what they like.

    Personally I dont see this as an issue at all, especially not one that would outweight the concept of unique names and community fame/infamy.

    Same thing applies to gamertags and I dont believe that it has ever been a real issue in any video game. But that's just my humble opinion.

    I've seen it for over 20 years while tagging along with the internet. People did it with chat names back in the day, games like diablo 2. A lot of shady business gets involved, always has online with exclusive names tied to social status.

    I've seen it too (I too played diablo 2 back in the day hehe) but I still dont think it is an issue. I'll just agree to disagree.

  • If they were to make ship names like gamertags, then we would just see names like Black Pearl1352452. I would rather just have lots of duplicates names.

  • @boris379 sagte in Ship name exclusivity:

    Does anybody know how ship naming will go as far as exclusivity goes? Once you choose a name will that be the only one in the game or that server or could there be multiple boats with the same name?

    You are Insider, you know the answer

  • @alienmagi I mean there are 5 ships per server, and multiple languages. What are the chances you end up running into a ship with the same name as yours?

  • Batman42069 boards ship and slays xSuP3rM4Nx, looks to the ship's nameplate in shock and asks "Why did you pick that name?!! 'Martha'?! Why did you pick that name?!!"

    Seriously though, I think duplication is a non-issue.

  • @realstyli I think it would be funnier as:

    Batman42069 boards ship and slays xSuP3rM4Nx, looks to the ship's nameplate in shock and asks "Why did you pick that name?!! 'BoatyMcBoatface4726264846969420'?! Why did you pick that name?!!"

  • @mahomie27 said in Ship name exclusivity:

    If they were to make ship names like gamertags, then we would just see names like Black Pearl1352452. I would rather just have lots of duplicates names.

    I doubt that numbers will be allowed in ship names, it wouldn't make a lot of sense.

    @kommodoreyenser said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi I mean there are 5 ships per server, and multiple languages. What are the chances you end up running into a ship with the same name as yours?

    Very low chances because I'll try to come up with a unique name. That's not something I was worried about, did you mean to tag someone else?

    However I think we will see several black pearls and mcboatfaces every a day if names aren't exclusive.

  • @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    However I think we will see several black pearls and mcboatfaces every a day if names aren't exclusive.

    There is a difference between offering opportunity for creativity and trying to control it.

    If people prefer common names that is their personal choice and freedom.

    The importance with captaincy is valuing the individuality and that doesn't come with a requirement for dedication to uniqueness. People should be able to choose what they feel is right for them, what others think about those personal non-harmful preferences is irrelevant to the spirit of the feature imo

  • @alienmagi

    I doubt that numbers will be allowed in ship names, it wouldn't make a lot of sense.

    Players will use them to shorten long names with numbers.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    However I think we will see several black pearls and mcboatfaces every a day if names aren't exclusive.

    There is a difference between offering opportunity for creativity and trying to control it.

    If people prefer common names that is their personal choice and freedom.

    The importance with captaincy is valuing the individuality and that doesn't come with a requirement for dedication to uniqueness. People should be able to choose what they feel is right for them, what others think about those personal non-harmful preferences is irrelevant to the spirit of the feature imo

    I wish this sentiment was shared when it comes to the topic of IPG where a cool potential feature like player notoriety isn't on the line.

    Whether what you said will be personal choice and freedom is to be determined by Rare. Considering how they implemented the IPG and the argument they used for it I assume they will lean in the direction of forced uniqueness.

    Whatever they choose to do, I'll be fine with it. I can see positive and negative aspects in both options.

  • @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    However I think we will see several black pearls and mcboatfaces every a day if names aren't exclusive.

    There is a difference between offering opportunity for creativity and trying to control it.

    If people prefer common names that is their personal choice and freedom.

    The importance with captaincy is valuing the individuality and that doesn't come with a requirement for dedication to uniqueness. People should be able to choose what they feel is right for them, what others think about those personal non-harmful preferences is irrelevant to the spirit of the feature imo

    I wish this sentiment was shared when it comes to the topic of IPG where a cool potential feature like player notoriety isn't on the line.

    Whether what you said is people's personal choice and freedom is to be determined by Rare. Considering how they implemented the IPG and the argument they used for it I assume they will lean in the direction of forced uniqueness.

    I've considered this. As someone that supports the randomness that they chose to implement it's certainly something to consider when talking about individuality and creative freedom.

    My personal reason for supporting randomness of appearance is one that I hold dear but don't feel others are obligated to agree with or support, is that I think the effect of the decision in a environment that has many young people is that it shows all different types of human characters with what some would consider to be physical imperfections. If this were a game where it included extra features that were more fantastical I think allowing more individuality would be a creative benefit.

    This does come at a sacrifice to creative opportunity for appearance but in my view it offers opportunity for young people to become acclimated to surroundings of random appearance where personality, personal style, dedication, and actions are the priority and focus of the environment.

    That's just my personal reason for supporting it.

    With Captaincy I personally feel it is much less complex in a shared environment and a much easier thing to make a decision on.

  • @grumpyw01f said in Ship name exclusivity:


    I doubt that numbers will be allowed in ship names, it wouldn't make a lot of sense.

    Players will use them to shorten long names with numbers.

    L33T FL33T

    Ya... a little cringe I know, but we must preserve ancient languages!!

  • @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi I mean there are 5 ships per server, and multiple languages. What are the chances you end up running into a ship with the same name as yours?

    Very low chances because I'll try to come up with a unique name. That's not something I was worried about, did you mean to tag someone else?

    However I think we will see several black pearls and mcboatfaces every a day if names aren't exclusive.

    Nope I was responding to your comment here:
    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    I think it would be better if they were exclusive, like gamertags, so that when you see a ship's name you will always know who is the real captain.

    While I agree, it is a non-issue with such a low ship count per server. Sure many might pick popular fantasy pirate ship names but to each their own.

    I am personally already planning on using a few names from the Star Wars universe for the larger ships and thinking of something ironic to name my little sloop. Not letting it out there to keep it rare but likely won't be common picks anyway.

  • @KommodoreYenser said:

    I am personally already planning on using a few names from the Star Wars universe for the larger ships and thinking of something ironic to name my little sloop.

    "Welcome aboard the Star Bored, ladies and gents..."

    "Starboard? Aye, Cap'n!"



  • I honestly hope that it's exactly like the pet system.

  • @realstyli I really hope this happens

  • @realstyli sagte in Ship name exclusivity:

    Batman42069 boards ship and slays xSuP3rM4Nx, looks to the ship's nameplate in shock and asks "Why did you pick that name?!! 'Martha'?! Why did you pick that name?!!"

    Seriously though, I think duplication is a non-issue.

    This comment is just awesome! Love it!

  • @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    I think it would be better if they were exclusive, like gamertags, so that when you see a ship's name you will always know who is the real captain.

    I also think it would make more people come up with unique names rather than just 50% of ships being "black pearl" or "flying dutchman"

    it's creates hoarding names and creates a name selling market which always ends up being sketchy and just not very fun for people that just want to name their boat what they like.

    Personally I dont see this as an issue at all, especially not one that would outweight the concept of unique names and community fame/infamy.

    Same thing applies to gamertags and I dont believe that it has ever been a real issue in any video game. But that's just my humble opinion.

    I've seen it for over 20 years while tagging along with the internet. People did it with chat names back in the day, games like diablo 2. A lot of shady business gets involved, always has online with exclusive names tied to social status.

    I've seen it too (I too played diablo 2 back in the day hehe) but I still dont think it is an issue. I'll just agree to disagree.

    It’s a dumb avoidable issue. You’re only on a server with 5/6 ships. Double ups won’t be a thing.

  • I don't think there should be any "exclusivity" regarding names of ships overall as all that will do is make people rush to reserve and gatekeep certain names such as The Black Pearl and The Flying Dutchman among others. That would also lead to some people looking to profit from that much like some do with domain names of web sites.

    However I wouldn't mind (and would actually prefer) that they do not allow the exact same name of a ship in a specific server/session. I'd rather see a variety of names that were easily distinguished from another than ones filled with the above examples or Boaty McBoatface and the like. Probably wouldn't happen but it would be better overall if it did, making differentiation between ships easier than if there were 3 Black Pearls in the same session as you.

  • @mostexpendable said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @wolfmanbush said in Ship name exclusivity:

    @alienmagi said in Ship name exclusivity:

    I think it would be better if they were exclusive, like gamertags, so that when you see a ship's name you will always know who is the real captain.

    I also think it would make more people come up with unique names rather than just 50% of ships being "black pearl" or "flying dutchman"

    it's creates hoarding names and creates a name selling market which always ends up being sketchy and just not very fun for people that just want to name their boat what they like.

    Personally I dont see this as an issue at all, especially not one that would outweight the concept of unique names and community fame/infamy.

    Same thing applies to gamertags and I dont believe that it has ever been a real issue in any video game. But that's just my humble opinion.

    I've seen it for over 20 years while tagging along with the internet. People did it with chat names back in the day, games like diablo 2. A lot of shady business gets involved, always has online with exclusive names tied to social status.

    I've seen it too (I too played diablo 2 back in the day hehe) but I still dont think it is an issue. I'll just agree to disagree.

    It’s a dumb avoidable issue. You’re only on a server with 5/6 ships. Double ups won’t be a thing.

    I didnt realize you are restricted to a single server and forced to play with the same 4 crews forever. Your game must be very bugged.

    On a serious note, did you miss the part where I said I dont think its an issue and that I agree to disagree? This is why you should read the thread before making an impulsive reply, otherwise it spirals around the same points over and over until it gets anchored. Don't be that guy.

18 out of 29