game stuck at 15 fps no matter what graphic settings and reselution

  • i have a rtx 3060 and a i9-9700 and no matter what my settings are at the game runs no higher than 15-30 fps and stutters its unplayable ive updated drivers and checked nvidia control panel and nothing seems to help

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  • @deathmanxxx1919 Rare is aware of a drop in performance for a small subset of players and are actively investigating improvements to this which will be rolled out for all players in a future update so keep an eye on their social channels for any news.

    Though in-case this issue is not related, and as there are only have limited troubleshooting for your issue, please try the following in the meantime:

    • When you enter Windows, ensure that you are using a Microsoft account and not a local Windows account.
    • Reverify the integrity of your local game files. To do this, right click Sea of Thieves from your steam list and select properties. Then from the local files tab click 'Verify integrity of local game files'.
    • Please ensure that Sea of Thieves is using your desired graphics device through your graphics application software (such as Geforce Experience or the Nvidia Control Panel).

    • Could you try setting the default graphics settings profile used by Sea of Thieves via your graphical application software to the lowest values possible and then launch the game. Once in the main menu, also change your graphical settings to the lowest values and try to enter gameplay.
      • Then once in-game, try increasing all graphics options to your desired performance. Does also switching to different modes such as Windowed mode in the main menu make a difference?
      • Please also try completely remove your graphics drivers and installing them to the latest versions. It may also be worth using software which is available to ensure that these files are completely removed.

    Other system and Windows checks:

    • Disabling any overlays applied to Sea of Thieves (such as Discord, Afterburner etc. - you may keep essential overlays open if needed: Steam, Xbox Game bar etc).
    • Closing any unnecessary background processes while running Sea of Thieves
    • Checking if Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware software is affecting the performance of Sea of Thieves and adding the game executable and its folder on exclusion list.
    • Disabling CPU and GPU overclock (or lowering OC to a stable setting and using correct RAM profile/timings in Bios).
    • Please also disable any 3rd party software which may be causing any conflicts with Sea of Thieves (such as MSI afterburner). You can also boot Windows in Clean mode (which prevents 3rd party software from loading when booting) to see if you can then access the game. To do this:

    Original Post Can Be Found Here

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