Scuttling in Red Sea

  • Since my last Topic was closed for no obvious reason since in my opinion we had good discussion I will continue it here:
    @dlchief58 said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    While true, that is the cop out answer given when you have no true rebuttal. But this is not a "tool" in the game (nor will it ever be so don't hold your breath). Funnier still is that you are asking for is more a "rule" than a "tool". You can decide what happens with the loot using the tools in game, no EASY button, nuclear option. Plus it makes no sense in game (either from lore or mechanics) and is overpowered - there would need to be a huge time setup to weigh down any treasure for increased sinking rate to have any sort of balance.

    What Im suggesting is extension to tool that is.

    And can the "save time" bullflop, that has nothing to do with it and you know it. You just want to deny others any chance of getting what you yourself could not successfully sell. If time was truly a concern of yours, you wouldn't care about whether or not they were able to retrieve the loot and scuttled sooner to get out of the chase. But that is not the case, all you've done is continually reiterate the "if I can't have it no one can" mantra. And I have no problem with that stance to be honest, but we don't need an easy button to enable, much less promote, this behavior.

    Saving time is the main point. Still you can sail into red and keep fixing your ship till it is gone. And of course I care about point of denying loot. This would save time. This behavior you speak about is game mechanic which is and hopefully will always be available for us all.

    Oh please, time saving was never your point. If it were truly the point, you could scuttle (or fight) at any time. So what if someone gets the treasure you left behind? You gave up and thus any claim on what happens to it. Learn to deal with defeat.

    Point was and still is saving time while denying the loot. I have lost as many time as I can count stars in sky. I dont care about losing. I care about winning. Winning too easy ain't win at all. Saving time while denying loot.

    Cute, but an ineffective rebuttal. Those players you are whining about ARE using the tools and strategies in the game (unlike you asking for new rules to govern the game). Just because YOU refuse to learn how to play the game better using the same tools and more effective does not mean there needs to be a nuclear SPITE button because you can't handle being bested by another and incapable of using the tools at your disposal to accomplish your goals.

    First of all Im now WHINING about anyone or anything. Please try to stay polite. Im suggesting (not asking) new extensions to already existing mechanics to save time for everyone. And I have never once implied I need changes cause I cant play. I'm already good enough in this game to play it solo or with crew. Just cause you cant argue on matter please dont make these strawmans.

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  • As stated by @triheadedmonkey in your previously locked thread;

    As this thread has run its course, and has descended into personal arguments, it will now be locked. A general reminder to all, please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of a thread.

    Your feedback has been noted, any further creation of duplicate threads will result in a temporary forum ban.

    Please refrain from doing so.

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