Tavern Specials and The History of Grog

  • Disclaimer ( this is definitely not something rare should put thought into before anything else but I personally think it would be cool )

    The main idea:
    It would be cool if the taverns sold different beverages with cool names like "reaper's rum"
    Or "root beer" for a nod to monkey island... these drinks could have a different comical effect on pirates and improve on the roleplaying aspect of taverns...

    Explanation and History [that I encourage you to read (yes I know it's long, suck it up buttercup)]

    The taverns should be places for pirates to go and enjoy themselves with good food and delicious drinks, but this is not currently the case...

    Here's a history lesson for ye dogs on what grog truly is... back in the day when seamen went out on sea voyages for extended periods of time their fresh water had the possibility of getting contaminated, to avoid this they put alcohol such as rum into the water aswell as lemon juice ( to prevent scurvy ) and sugar ( to prevent the taste )

    Contrary to popular belief within the sea of thieves.. THIS IS NOT GOOD!!! I am disgusted that none of you scally wags have touched your tounges to true beer wine or rum.. which is why I suggest a change...

    The taverns should serve pirates beverages that they would enjoy coming back to drink rather than the same bloody lemon juice they drink at sea!!!

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