Humble/Generous Gift Commendations

  • Regarding the Humble/Generous Gift donation commendations...

    1. Do I have to put it on someone's ship / hand it to them? Or can I leave it somewhere for another pirate to find?

    2. If someone sinks me and steals/sells the gifts, will I get credit for "gifting" them?

  • 5
  • if you are the first one to touch it it's identified as yours and anyone that turns it in will give you credit

    as long as you are on the server when it gets sold you get credit
    just gotta give it the first touch and hope someone turns it in or arrange it. Stolen and given are the same thing for commendations.

  • Take it and stick it at the Reapers Hideout. Hope someone turns it in before you leave the server. Or get with an Alliance Server and talk someone into turning it in.

  • Thanks @wolfmanbush and @longbeardfellow !
    I'll start piling them up on the emissary table in front of the Servant of Flame. :)

  • @skipper-jimi
    I've had luck in finding other ships and giving it to them. Just don't expect a crew to sail to Reaper's Bounty for just one 5 doubloon item.

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