How to join the same server with friends ?

  • Hey guys previously me and my friends could easily join the same server on two 2 man sloops and sail the seas together . But recently we started playing again but we can never get into the same server . Anyone know any tips or tricks on how to join the same server . We don't want to play on the 4 man ships as they suck .

  • 26
  • And this is why I say loading screen alliances should be possible....

  • @zeno982909 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    Hey guys previously me and my friends could easily join the same server on two 2 man sloops and sail the seas together . But recently we started playing again but we can never get into the same server . Anyone know any tips or tricks on how to join the same server . We don't want to play on the 4 man ships as they suck .

    The only way is to keep trying or get someone on another ship on the server to gift you their ship before logging out. Rare has purposefully made doing this difficult. You asked for how to do it, so I won’t get into the weeds with deeper questions.

  • @zeno982909 I used to do this a lot recently, but for some reason its harder to do this now. Easiest way to do it now is:

    1. grab some fireworks, and loot.

    2. Sail to another sloop/ship let off a firework to show you are friendly, shout friendly and go talk to them.

    3. As one of your friends remains on your ship, Offer the random crew some loot to sell in exchange for their ship.

    4. Get one of them to add you as a friend and invite you to the crew as the other member(s) leave. Tell the last person (who invited you) to wait until you have joined their crew before leaving. Once aboard they will leave and you have 2 ships. Then just invite your friends.

    You have to be patient, sometimes people don’t want to just leave. Sometimes they are doing something and you will need to wait. Sometimes they are hostile or don’t understand you. Sometimes it takes a while until you succeed at finding a ship.

    If they don’t want to leave yet, also ask if they can give you the ship when they are ready to log off. Then just follow step “4”.

    Good luck 😄

    • Old way of doing it: Get as many people as you can. Each person set sail on a ship at exactly the same time to try get into the same server, once loaded in, everyone put up a reapers emissary and everyone check the map for other level 1 reaper ships at outposts. If you see another lvl 1 at an outpost then get them to lower emissary, check the map to see if its gone. If yes. Get them to raise it again to be sure its them. If it is. Go meet each other.

    If you fail at finding another emissary reapers lvl 1 on the map but everyone has one raised, Its failed and you need to do the server login together again. Recently this became super difficult to do. So it may take you 20+ tries so its easier to just use the other method.

  • Well we have been searching for 2 hours so great . Guess they don't want you to have fun with your friends .

  • @zeno982909 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    Well we have been searching for 2 hours so great . Guess they don't want you to have fun with your friends .

    They absolutely do want players to have fun together, on a galleon, with a maximum of 4 players. It's not like your two sloops would fight it out over a world event's loot or anything really. I am also sure you all would have no issue sinking a solo or duo in two sloops. That's the purpose of the galleon. Balancing manpower/firepower advantage over the other 1 or two man crews.

  • @mrat13 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    And this is why I say loading screen alliances should be possible....

    It would make sense and be balanced if:

    1. There was a cap on how many crews could do this together AND
    2. Those crews go into separate servers with other separate alliance fleets ala fleet servers. If there aren't enough other fleets to start a server or an open slot for your fleet, you enter a queue. No freebie grind servers. 2v2 ships or 3v3 once they fix server stability again would be great.
  • @kommodoreyenser Current alliances already have a benefit. I don't see why you need separate balance for what will operate the same when it comes to in-game.

    Only balance I'd make is limited numbers so you can't just make a server alliance from the load screen. 4-6 players probably. Then the most imbalanced setup would probably be 3 sloops, but maybe player count dictates loadout?

  • @mrat13 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    @kommodoreyenser Current alliances already have a benefit. I don't see why you need separate balance for what will operate the same when it comes to in-game.

    Only balance I'd make is limited numbers so you can't just make a server alliance from the load screen. 4-6 players probably. Then the most imbalanced setup would probably be 3 sloops, but maybe player count dictates loadout?

    Current alliances are meant to be organic with other crews who you don't personally know. They are meant to be extremely fragile and unpredictable. Highly unlikely that will be the case with alliances made outside of the world with players you know personally in your discord server.

    This removes play possibilities for instance: boarding one ship of the alliance and firing at the other to confuse them into possible attacking each other, splitting the forces against you as a single ship. Alliances working together that are formed organically inside the game are also much less likely to work together coherently against a single target. A pre-made alliance would not function so terribly in coordination. These two reasons alone are enough to separate pre-made alliance fleets from standard servers that hold solo/duo crews.

    I have seen what happens in this scenario only once in my old AOD crew where we "bought" other vessels to have 2-3 ships on the same server during a community day. Literally unsinkable vs the rest of the single ships including a galleon. Absolutely unfun and just kinda turns into a PvE grinding server with no one to oppose you. If a fleet of equal size that was also pre-made on the same server, this would be an actual player challenge to it as it currently is.

  • @kommodoreyenser You could say the same about a full Galleon vs Solo Sloopers. And anyway, it would be limited. You wouldn't be able to run round with 3 full Galleons. The max I'm imaging is 3 Sloops, but even that could be limited by having a 2 ship limit, which then means the most dangerous setup is 2 Brigs.

  • @mrat13 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    @kommodoreyenser You could say the same about a full Galleon vs Solo Sloopers. And anyway, it would be limited. You wouldn't be able to run round with 3 full Galleons. The max I'm imaging is 3 Sloops, but even that could be limited by having a 2 ship limit, which then means the most dangerous setup is 2 Brigs.

    Hardly. Two sloops are way more a problem than one galleon.

    1.Two targets to track and sink vs one. If you disable one, you still have the chance of being shot at and boarded by the other.

    2.It is far easier to solo a sloop vs 2 man a galleon. Freeing up boarders from both sloops even if they are damaged.

    3.If you engage one off by itself from across the map, you may end up fighting both quickly as they would just discord their buddies to come help. This won’t occur in a natural alliance that forms with strangers.

    I don’t think you totally grasp the naval combat in this game if you truly hold the opinions you are saying. It’s not just about 1v4 in your scenario but 1v2+2.

  • @zeno982909 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    Well we have been searching for 2 hours so great . Guess they don't want you to have fun with your friends .

    Just a thought, do you all queue to the same region for server?

  • @kommodoreyenser So that's the real problem? A Brig can easily beat a Galleon, so I don't see the problem. And even if I agreed, 5 and 6 man setups would still pass.

  • @mrat13 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    @kommodoreyenser So that's the real problem? A Brig can easily beat a Galleon, so I don't see the problem. And even if I agreed, 5 and 6 man setups would still pass.

    Anything can beat a galleon depending on the skill gap between teams.

    Also yes I honestly think a 6 man ship could work in this game given the right balance of speed, maneuverability, and man power needed for damage control to prevent 3-4 man boarding parties. 4 sails, add one turn of the wheel each side for increased turning radius over the galleon, no faster than galleon with full tail wind and slower than all other ships in any other conditions, 2 below water decks and one above plus cannon deck (makes it so taking damage required at least 3-4 crew to maintain). This would make it an absolute fortress with 6 cannons but slow and lumbering when on the move. Basically a stronger turreting tank than the galleon but worse in every other way.

  • @kommodoreyenser I meant 5 and 6 man loading screen alliances (2 ships). Bigger ships physically can't work in this game due to server limitations.

  • @mrat13 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    @kommodoreyenser I meant 5 and 6 man loading screen alliances (2 ships). Bigger ships physically can't work in this game due to server limitations.

    Sure, again, if separated into servers were there was another 2 ship alliance that was also pre-made. No free meals.

  • @kommodoreyenser There will always be free meals. You want Solo sloops servers while you're at it?

  • @mrat13 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    @kommodoreyenser There will always be free meals. You want Solo sloops servers while you're at it?

    Absolutely not. Have no issue fighting the majority of galleons and brigs solo. Never will engage two ships of any size at the same time though regardless if I am on a full crew galleon. Absolutely asking to sink.

    It is clear you want an advantage in numbers though and the ability to farm with friends. So there really is nothing left to discuss that is on OPs topic. Enjoy your alliance servers while the ability to form them lasts!

  • @kommodoreyenser If I wanted alliance servers, I'd ask for the system to have up to 12 players and no ship number limit (6 sloops would be possible). But I'm not. What I'm saying is people sometimes have more than 3 friends, and want to play together, but larger ships physically can't work due to the servers, so my idea is to give them another ship to achieve the same goal.

    Let me ask you, how would you allow more than 4 people to play together, without introducing bigger ships?

  • @mrat13 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    @kommodoreyenser If I wanted alliance servers, I'd ask for the system to have up to 12 players and no ship number limit (6 sloops would be possible). But I'm not. What I'm saying is people sometimes have more than 3 friends, and want to play together, but larger ships physically can't work due to the servers, so my idea is to give them another ship to achieve the same goal.

    Let me ask you, how would you allow more than 4 people to play together, without introducing bigger ships?

    Lol since you apparently couldn’t read my previous posts, a fleet server. Once Rare figures out server stability and gets back to 6 ships/24 players, I would think a system where up to 3 galleons could be pre-made alliance and allowed to join a server with another team of 3 ships. To be clear, any 3 ships could face any other 3 ships in any combination. As it is fair to have the same number of ships as an opponent.

    To be even more clear, I would be even happier for them to limit alliances immediately to 2-3 ships.

    My idea is it allows what you propose to happen, in a fair and balanced manner to your opponents and without allowing a full server or private server with your team just farming. Sure the two fleets might decide to come to an agreement organically BUT, and this is a huge one, there would be no magic gold sharing between the two teams. Work out loot splitting on your own if both teams want to work together on world events.

    If your goal was to play with up to 12 friends in 3 ships, this accomplishes that no problem. So now I have to ask a question, what is your goal beyond that? It sounds like you want a pre-made alliance and to be mixed in with single ships, why is that?

    Server stability and getting us back to 6 ships/24 players should be the #1 priority right now though. 5/16 is just silly and makes the world seem that much more empty.

  • @zeno982909 If full alliance servers are allowed to exist, we should be able to start into a server with two boats. This has been something since day one for me and my friends, having to split our party. Alliance servers have full on discord communities and they fill servers and just cheese the hell out of it all. 1000% not organic as intended.

    cap the alliances (no more than 3 boats) let us join in a server with more than four friends or do not let alliance servers happen.

  • short answer, you don't

    long answer, it takes a lot of work to get people to invite your friends to their boats.

  • @zeno982909 said in How to join the same server with friends ?:

    Well we have been searching for 2 hours so great . Guess they don't want you to have fun with your friends .

    When you have four people you’re intended to use a Galleon. Not sure what you mean when you say they suck but you were never intended to just split your crew the way you describe.

  • @kommodoreyenser a 4 man on a galleon vs a solo sloop is just as bad as a solo fighting 2 sloops allied, it’s still an unbalanced fight no matter how u slice it, so i don’t see how limiting the amount of alliances would change that. I think it would be nice for galleons to be in fear sometimes, main menu alliances would put them in their place and make it unfair for everyone, which is the perfect balance. Would be nice to see a galleon chasing a sloop turn and run when he sees 5 more sloop allies coming to back their boy up.

  • This game is very much like rust, the bigger your group/zerg the better off you are against smaller groups or solos, even if the big group is a bunch of noobs. So either the biggest group dominates or you form your own alliance with other small groups/solos to take them out. Right now with no Home Screen alliance options, all smaller groups and solos are at a disadvantage against larger groups and galleons, and with most new players being solo they just quit when they are attacked by a 4 man galleon right away. Just because dude may be a pro gamer taking out all galleons in a server solo, not everyone can and they shouldn’t have to reach that level of skill just to play this cartoon game. So rare should just let everyone have as many alliances/ships they want on the Home Screen. This dude was just crying about not wanting sloop only servers but then wants 3v3 ship alliance-only servers, it’s the same damn concept u moron. Either everything has to be fair like sloop only servers, or everything has to be unfair where the sloops friends can unite. The only people that don’t want more alliances are the scared galleon players that would lose some superiority over the smaller ships when they ally.

  • Pre-set alliances before joining a server would break the intent of alliances, which is that they are organically formed through player interactions and still leave open the possibility of betrayal. Giving a crew an advantage of having 2 ships rather than the pre-designed ship for a crew that size gives those players an advantage on that server, one that is not fair or intended - they would take up 2 spaces out of 5, leaving fewer spaces open to others and allowing for a monopoly on the server- this isn't fair.

    The galleon can indeed be taken down by smaller ships, even solo sloopers - the galleon's firepower is countered by the fact it needs a very competent and cooperative crew to run efficiently and effectively. Just like the sloops smaller firepower is countered by its maneuverability and ability to remove itself from a fight more quickly. So if a solo slooper doesn't want to take on a galleon, they can remove themselves from that situation and sail away.

    We would advise using the tools (and ships) provided for your crew size, and not attempting to circumvent them for an in-game advantage.

    Also, as this thread was 6 months old and revived today, I will be dropping anchor here. Bumping old threads goes against the Forum rules.

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