Kick player from crew

  • There should be an option to be able to vote to kick/remove a player from your crew due to many factors. Many players can be toxic, I’m sure we all know that…. But some are serious trolls in many different ways, for example. Some will join your crew, and they won’t help or do anything! Putting them in the cage does nothing bcuz they will stay locked up and get the rep and gold for it. There really needs to be an option to be able to vote to remove or just kick player from your crew out of the session so a new player can join.

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  • Sell and leave

    the most productive strategy that quickly removes all the negative stuff and allows a new session without significant wasted time

    The current system allows for the least abuse. That doesn't mean everyone will be happy with it but it's an effective system.

    Brig isn't a system of justice it's a majority vote and kick would be no different. Numbers don't necessarily mean just, fair, or reasonable and because of that there should be no kick option.

  • There is a higher concept at risk with this kind of request. Kicking someone off the game means denial to play and no one can exercise that power besides the game's devs and the online service providers.

    The brig is there to hold what happens after that is the player's choice.

  • @xxtoxicxx8048

    Uhm....Help me out here , you want a kick option against toxic players ? And what was your gamertag again? ;)

  • i agree there needs to be a kick option for the first 30 minutes or so after a player joins. its not going to stop players waiting 30 minutes to be a jerk but it will reduce the amount of trolls who are willing to wait that long playing the game normally just to spoil a session.

  • @xxtoxicxx8048 the flip side to this is that toxic players could kick a perfectly decent and helpful player before they hand in, meaning they get absolutely nothing for their efforts just as a cheap laugh.

    I know you have good intent with your suggestion, but there's just too much chance of it being abused in a worse way than we have now.

    It's the lesser of two evils I guess.

  • @metal-ravage said in Kick player from crew:

    There is a higher concept at risk with this kind of request. Kicking someone off the game means denial to play and no one can exercise that power besides the game's devs and the online service providers.

    The brig is there to hold what happens after that is the player's choice.

    is there something in the microsoft TOS that says players cant be kicked from a game session?

  • @lackbarwastaken said in Kick player from crew:

    @metal-ravage said in Kick player from crew:

    There is a higher concept at risk with this kind of request. Kicking someone off the game means denial to play and no one can exercise that power besides the game's devs and the online service providers.

    The brig is there to hold what happens after that is the player's choice.

    is there something in the microsoft TOS that says players cant be kicked from a game session?

    Yes MS reserves the right to deny service and no one can do it but them.

  • @wolfmanbush Ayeaye! 100% Although it would be lovely if we could make 'em walk the plank every now and then and maroon em... just til the mermaid comes along.

  • @xxtoxiiiiicxx we just need to get rid of gold or rep progression for anyone in a brig

  • @clumsy-george said in Kick player from crew:


    Uhm....Help me out here , you want a kick option against toxic players ? And what was your gamertag again? ;)

    I don't know about US/UK But in early 2000s Toxic in my country was a cool online nickname, a lot of people had it in FPS, the only meaning it had was the same as in dictionary. So maybe he is just a guy in his 30s :D

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