Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?

  • As an insider I have seen many people posting on both insider forums and normal forums asking Rare to fit Hit Reg. My question to [DO NOT TAG] is this, Is there a problem or is it just a slow PC vs a fast PC?

    I finally found my own Xbox series X and I can tell the difference. My system is so much faster and better. If I were to PvP with someone using an old Xbox my system would register the hit faster. I would be able to move faster and deal a lethal blow before my opponent realizes what happened. Yes my opponent would have shot me but with a faster system, I would have moved out of the path of his bullet and my opponent would have said that since he shot me, I should be dead so how could I kill him?

    Rare hasn’t really addressed the hit reg issue so I’m curious if there is one or not. Rare could easily be working on a solution in the background and simply not telling us. Either way, I’m hoping that a Rare employee can clear up this issue once and for all

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  • @coffeelight5545 said:
    "Rare hasn’t really addressed the hit reg issue so I’m curious if there is one or not. Rare could easily be working on a solution in the background and simply not telling us. Either way, I’m hoping that a Rare employee can clear up this issue once and for all"

    Really? It's adressed in every single patch note and has been for months. Maybe you should read one?

  • @coffeelight5545 Ahoy matey!

    Can I just ask that you do not tag groups like you tried to do with Community Managers, trying to grab their attention by mass pinging them will do the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

    Please use tags on the forum sparingly!

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    Is there a problem or is it just a slow PC vs a fast PC?

    There is a problem.

  • @coffeelight5545 I might be the only one with that opinion: just get rid of the unreliable hitmarker!

    I think that because, there were a lot of times I shot a guy and thought to myself: "I must have missed, because I aimed a bit too far to the right/left side" the same time I got a hitmarker, but the guy didn't heal himself
    On the other side I had a lot of times, I was sure I hit him, but didn't get a marker...meanwhile he started to heal himself and/or the second shot killed him...
    So I still think the biggest problem isn't really hitreg itself, it's more the hitmarker beeing unreliable

  • 100% a problem. And it's not client's performance issues. Maybe it could make it worse for some slower pc's but people with a 4000$ pc complains as much as people with a 500$ pc.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    Is there a problem or is it just a slow PC vs a fast PC?

    It's not about the hardware but servers and players connection to the server + server load..?

    I my self play on fairly decent PC (rtx3080 i7 9700k [SoT on M.2]) and it makes no difference hitreg wise. On some servers hitreg is ten times worse than on others. It shouldn't be about how good connection you have to the server as sometimes I've had more issues with hit reg on 60ping servers (lowest I can get due to my location) compared to 80 ping servers (highest I can naturally find) so I'd suspect it having to do something with player(s) connections and how much stress the server is handling.

  • It's a problem that happens to everyone, regardless of the PC or Xbox they are playing. The problem occurs for a variety of reasons ranging from ping to server load. The more players and ships together the worse the hitreg.

  • @musicmee

    The reason why I tagged Community Managers is because I wanted a professional answer and I was hoping that someone who works at Rare could address my question.

    The player community doesn’t know the answer. They are just commenting on their personal experiences

  • @schwammlgott said in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    @coffeelight5545 I might be the only one with that opinion: just get rid of the unreliable hitmarker!

    I think that because, there were a lot of times I shot a guy and thought to myself: "I must have missed, because I aimed a bit too far to the right/left side" the same time I got a hitmarker, but the guy didn't heal himself
    On the other side I had a lot of times, I was sure I hit him, but didn't get a marker...meanwhile he started to heal himself and/or the second shot killed him...
    So I still think the biggest problem isn't really hitreg itself, it's more the hitmarker beeing unreliable

    The hit marker isn’t unreliable. If you miss a shot shot, sometimes it does damage. This is a backtrack and isn’t supposed to happen. Other times as you might be more familiar with, when you hit someone and you get the hit marker, no damage is dealt. These are the two problems with hit reg. The cutlass also often backtracks enemies dealing damage from a lung for example when you were behind the attacker.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    The player community doesn’t know the answer. They are just commenting on their personal experiences

    We do know why. Rare has commented on this several times as well as have it on every set patch notes in the known issues section.

  • @illbushido305 sagte in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    @schwammlgott said in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    @coffeelight5545 I might be the only one with that opinion: just get rid of the unreliable hitmarker!

    I think that because, there were a lot of times I shot a guy and thought to myself: "I must have missed, because I aimed a bit too far to the right/left side" the same time I got a hitmarker, but the guy didn't heal himself
    On the other side I had a lot of times, I was sure I hit him, but didn't get a marker...meanwhile he started to heal himself and/or the second shot killed him...
    So I still think the biggest problem isn't really hitreg itself, it's more the hitmarker beeing unreliable

    The hit marker isn’t unreliable. If you miss a shot shot, sometimes it does damage. This is a backtrack and isn’t supposed to happen. Other times as you might be more familiar with, when you hit someone and you get the hit marker, no damage is dealt. These are the two problems with hit reg. The cutlass also often backtracks enemies dealing damage from a lung for example when you were behind the attacker.

    In my experience it I said, there were moments, I was aiming good and could have bet I hit, but didn't get a marker...but still he died...
    And as I said...I'm probably the only one, who thinks this...

  • @schwammlgott said in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    In my experience it I said, there were moments, I was aiming good and could have bet I hit, but didn't get a marker...but still he died...
    And as I said...I'm probably the only one, who thinks this...

    Hit markers are client side. They appear based on whether your client detects a hit or not. They are 100% reliable based on what you are seeing.

    Actual hit registration is done server side. It is calculated by determining if a weapon fired from position X,Y,Z hits anything along a damage path (for guns this is a line and for swords it's probably an arc/area). This is the only one that really matters, because it is how damage is applied to your target. The problem is that these two things are frequently out of sync due to lag, server performance issues or bugs. This is why you get hit markers and no damage, or kill players without hitmarkers. There are two separate things calculating hits completely independently of each other and are based on slightly different world states.

    The problem is that players rely on the visual feedback of the hitmarkers and feel cheated when what they see doesn't match up with what is happening. Some games fix this by having server side hit markers - which means that you shoot, server calculates hit and then sends message back to your client to display hitmarker. This is more accurate in determining whether you hit something or not, but the hitmarker can appear delayed on your side and it's another back and forth message that needs to be sent and received.

  • @d3adst1ck sagte in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    The problem is that players rely on the visual feedback of the hitmarkers and feel cheated when what they see doesn't match up with what is happening.

    Ok...then let's get rid of the markers...less complaints 😁😎

  • It is definitely an issue, i have a slower pc and my friend has auch faster pc and we occasionally tdm. Both of us get hit reg problems all of the time

  • Is one of the worst problems on SoT, makes gunfights pure RNG. It makes you feel that your skill improvement is nothing because you just need to be lucky when you shoot and pray to not make a hitreg or you are done if the enemie doesn´t hitreg you xD

  • its so bad the games combat is simply broken, no other term suffices. Pretty bad for a PvP focussed game to have it this bad.

    I threw together a video some months back before I quit to show friends how bad it is, might as well throw it here too.

    [Mod Edit]

  • It's an issue for pvp lol.

    I never notice it.

    (I solo sloop and avoid pvp as much possible btw)

  • Yes. Hai. Ja. Si. Po. Ayo. Naäam. Hə. Dy. Hām̐. Da. Oo. Shì de. Ano. Jes. Jah. Kyllä. Oui. Diakh. Vai. Hā. Repons lan se wi. A. Ken. Muaj. Igen. Ee. Iya nih. Sea. Ya. Tak. Sim. Aam.
    You get the point.

  • It does crop up from time to time my land-lubbing friend, I was defending me ship not too long ago and shot some scallywag square in the chest with me blunderbuss and he didnt fall, this happened twice! granted with me new hook, my aim isnt exactly the best but they were both climbing the ladder! I've since switched to my crab-leg-pistol so I can at least deal a reliable amount on damage on these sailors before they kill me

  • It’s a huge issue but I frankly believe if there was a fix it would have been fixed already, learn to live with it or find another game. Life is not fair, neither is this game. Cry about it or find another game.

  • [mod edit]

  • [mod edit]

  • @louiscyphere1 Your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code


    Share anything illegal. If it’s illegal in real life, it has no place in our community. Discussing or distributing banned content, copyrighted material or anything related to drugs or black market goods will not be tolerated in our spaces.

    Please keep the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in mind in future.

    Thank you.

  • Lol sorry mod I was trying to make light of the crews that think the devs are magicians that can just “fix” things. Not sure why I was censored though.

  • @triheadedmonkey sorry but weed is legal in a ton of states. My bad.

  • @louiscyphere1 said in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    @triheadedmonkey sorry but weed is legal in a ton of states. My bad.

    Yeah, states. We do not all live in the US, and it is illegal in most countries. So, yes, it is illegal.
    (Rare is situated the the UK, not the US)

  • @louiscyphere1 sagte in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    @triheadedmonkey sorry but weed is legal in a ton of states. My bad.

    And maybe sometime soon in less than an hour away from me 🤗

  • Yes its actually a problem have you actually played the combat in this game

  • I think it's an issue, just not as large of one as the community makes it out to be. People on here act like 9/10 shots don't connect.

  • @mferr11 said in Is Hit Registration an actual Problem or Not?:

    I think it's an issue, just not as large of one as the community makes it out to be. People on here act like 9/10 shots don't connect.

    Exactly! It's more like 1 in 5. 😅

  • @mferr11 This 100%. Also, it's very Rare I see a post about hitreg that ISN'T taken in an arena match..

  • Just for fun I googled war zone hit reg and fortnite hit reg. Tons of people complaining. Seems as though this is an issue with many open world shooters and if the teams behind two of the world’s largest franchises can’t fix the issues 100% it seems unlikely that rare will be able to make it just go away some day.

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