PVE Only Servers

  • Hi, Joined the forum for one reason, to to say what countless others have.

    Please, PLEASE would you just dedicate some servers to PVE only, and have this as a selectable option when you sign in to play?

    Just had a whole 4 hours of gaming ruined on a tall tale by a single individual who stole tall tale items without which we couldn't complete the tale. Fairly certain the items would have been worthless to the player, but it didn't stop them. I tried to explain this to them in chat, but it made no difference - possibly due to language barriers. But this only serves to prove the point, there is no reasoning with some people.

    The best experiences I have had on this game by far is when people have helped each other out, - just random strangers but the forced PVP is really starting to put off me and my partner. Apart from the PVP we love the game and have sunk a ridiculous amount of time into it already, however I can see the PVP taking its toll eventually, and I don't mean just on us, I have seen so many other similar stories online of people getting sick of attacks from other players.

    The only reason I can see that Rare wouldn't create servers for PVE only is because then they wouldn't have any 'victims' for their PVP player base, that's literally the only reason I can think of as to why they wouldn't do it, and that seems crazy.

  • 4
  • Here before lock!

  • There's checkpoints in tall tales! Is it really that much of a heartbreak to lose 15mins of progress?

  • Ahoy @hivescumsteve !

    We appreciate your feedback, but our team have already given their thoughts on the topic of PvPvE and discussed it in our Podcast.

    There is also a thread for discussion of Custom servers here where you can add your thoughts.

    I will go ahead and lock this thread.


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