The Wild Rose ship set Friendly or Your first target to kill. (Opinions is in the comments)

  • The Wild Rose ship set is it friendly to you and you leave this ship or start alliance with the guys on The Wild Rose ship set if they don't attack you or you just see them and kill them and sunk them? (Opinions is in the comments)

  • 6
  • I don't kill or not kill pirates based on cosmetics

  • @wolfmanbush Ye I know big part of this community do this but I just wanna know what would you rather do sunk the wild rose ship set or leave it if they don't attack you

  • I kill everyone regardless of paint job.

  • @glannigan ... Spoken like a true pirate!

  • I run this set with the SeaSquirrel figurehead instead. I'm not friendly, but definitely not hostile lol. I've also never run across someone else with it so....

    Are you guys targeting me?

2 out of 6