How can I set up a macro/AHK script to avoid Lazy Beard? Is it permitted?

  • I'm mostly a solo slooper, and I have to get up from the pc quite often to take care of family/home stuff. And it's quite annoying that after 10 minutes I get kicked. It takes me way more time to re-enter and sail agaaaain to where I want to go (for now I want to do tall tales for example) than to set up a macro, and make my character wait there until I come back. And I know I may get killed while I'm not away, but I know the risk.
    I'm a total noob regarding macros or AutoHotKey (I used a script for AHK to afk in other games on afk servers but I don't understand how to write the scripts)

    Thanks a lot in advance!

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  • I may add, the only software I have is the Logitech from my mouse, and I can only set a macro that plays once every time I press the button, so idk how to make it repeat until I press again. I'm looking for something simple as "A (wait a second) D (wait a second)" so I can stay on a tavern or where I'm at the moment.

  • @khalmika Sorry me matey but. . .

    Under the Xbox Code of Conduct, Terms of Use and Services Agreements, it is not permitted to tamper with the game or services in any un-authorised way, whether that is via Hardware such as Mouse and Keyboard or 3rd party software that emulates Macro functionality. As such, accounts can be terminated if found to be doing it.

  • @lizalaroo Thanks for the answer! I wasn't aware of that, thank you very much!!!

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