So... There is no cheaters on this game...?

  • Invincibility and his mate use auto aim bot. And some of you said "There is no cheat on this game ?"

    [mod edit]

    See ya !

  • 5
  • These are likely glitched characters, who can't use weapons (otherwise they surely would have tried to kill you) and don't take damage, not cheaters.

  • the interesting part about this is that it's possible something that strange is not cheating and that shows how hard it is for people to tell between cheat and glitch on inconsistent servers

    I've seen a similar one a galleon I boarded a long time ago and they too never attacked me. It's because they can't pull their weapon out

    Completely understandable how some would auto assume cheating in a scenario like this and it shows how big of a mess the convo is

    Just like the invisible glitch. If a person didn't know better of course they would assume cheating.

  • Not very many cheaters at all. devs are really onto it with that front. most people scream cheaters just because they are frustrated and don't understand how someone can be so much better than them. the amount of times we have been screamed at that we are "cheating" is insane. and yet we would never dream of it. most glitches in the game that people see can confuse people and often have them claim your cheating. twice one of my crewmates has actually spawned back from the ship of the dead invincible to all enemy pirates. the only thing we found that could kill him were sharks, which he promptly used after the battle. but he was not cheating. just glitched and the enemy players could do no damage to him. you really need to understand how HARD cheating is in this game to accomplish.

  • @starkgamingfr Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

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    Dropping anchor.

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