Add the ability to hide or bookmark the equipment you own?

  • Hey Pirates !

    I use google translate so I apologize if there are any errors (Hello from France ! ^^)

    The more time passes, the more the amount of equipment that we have (weapons, musical instruments, parts of the boat ...) accumulate.

    The problem is that in all this equipment there is a lot of it that we do not use much or not at all because we do not like them / no longer.

    Having too much equipment, most of which you don't use, greatly reduces clarity and my ease of selection when choosing new equipment. The inventory is "polluted" by what is not used.

    I think that it could be interesting to integrate the possibility of putting the elements which one wishes in "favorites" or to be able to hide the elements which are unused.

    This would make it possible to have a clearer and more practical inventory.

    We could also save character and boat styles to select them more quickly without having to dig into each element.

    What do you think about that suggestion ?

  • 6
    feedbackgeneralxbox onequestionwindows 10
  • @leeoniiie i would love the ability to have favorited items at the beginning of a subsection.

  • @captain-coel a dit dans Add the ability to hide or bookmark the equipment you own? :

    @leeoniiie i would love the ability to have favorited items at the beginning of a subsection.

    Yes that is what I am proposing.

    In each sub-section have the possibility of putting in favorites the elements which one wishes.

    So as you say, either we could have the favorite elements at the start of the subsection, or we can choose to display only those we want.

  • Greetings,
    I would even suggest we had an option to save both our current ship and pirate customization. Having multiple custom sets to quickly change the appearance to suit the occasion would be most welcome!

    Kind regards

  • @drat3707 a dit dans Add the ability to hide or bookmark the equipment you own? :

    I would even suggest we had an option to save both our current ship and pirate customization. Having multiple custom sets to quickly change the appearance to suit the occasion would be most welcome!

    Kind regards

    It is also a great idea. It would take less time to change the style of the swimmer or the boat. Easier, faster.

  • I totally agree ! I have for example 2 pages of sails and 80% are unused. It gives an effect of filling things that we don't like.

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