double gun meta makes this game not fun.

  • RARE should make it so that a sword is mandatory. double gun forces a meta and makes the sword utterly irrelevant in pvp.

  • 65
  • Why? It's an incredibly risky playstyle. You get close to someone like that and they just melt.

  • @tubzy121


    I avoid pirate combat because of it + hitreg issues as much as i can.
    I prefer ship combat anyway.

    Sword duells are fun, i wouldnt mind someone switch to a gun to make a shot during a sword battle, it would spice it up as long as animations dont get cancelled, but the way guns get used in Pirate to Pirate PvP is neither fun to me nor do i think its good to have for a PvEvP Game that want players of all playstyles play together, it just caters too much to one side.

  • I rather they do something so you can still Double Gun, but a risk if you do.

    • Ammo Sharing.
    • Wet guns dont do much dmg/dont fire.

    Face it, DG are those who board by diving into the water. If they are under water to long, guns become less able to do dmg or even fire.
    Or share ammo, so fire a pistol shot, you use slot for blunder.

  • @tubzy121 Why? The sword is still a far more flexible tool and rules lower deck fights, using two guns is risky as you have no block, not to mention you actual have to hit your shots for it to be of any use.
    Double gunning is not the problem, people not knowing how to deal with a double gunner is.
    Not to mention many double gunners like to bounce around ( a damn near useless tactic), so just yeet a blunder bomb at them and send them for a swim.

  • It doesn’t force anything. You can kill a double gunner easily with a sword. Just get at least two hits and they’re immobilized due to the sword being unbalanced. You mustn’t be too good with a cutlass if your begging to force everyone to use one. You can try using two guns yourself instead of being closed minded and just beg for it’s removal. There are different situations where different weapon load outs are required for best efficiency in battle. Some need a sword and others need two guns. Side note: the cutlass has an insane range. It deals damage from super far without touching you sometimes but it always deals damage if a hit lands unlike guns. Guns have hit registration issues making shooting someone with two guns a 50/50 change of them actually dying or even taking damage.

  • How is it a meta lol?

  • @hurricanegriz said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    How is it a meta lol?

    idk most people don't do it anymore

  • @burnbacon said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    I rather they do something so you can still Double Gun, but a risk if you do.

    • Ammo Sharing.
    • Wet guns dont do much dmg/dont fire.

    Face it, DG are those who board by diving into the water. If they are under water to long, guns become less able to do dmg or even fire.
    Or share ammo, so fire a pistol shot, you use slot for blunder.

    So because you got killed by one guy who was using two guns, you want to make their entire playstyle useless? If there's any weapon here that nerds a nerf, it's the sword/blunder combo. Zero skill, easy to use and this is coming from a sword sniper player before anyone says "you're a salty double gunner".

  • @herlucideyes how is getting close risky if you have a blunderbuss? Sword vs blundy on even footing sword will lose everytime.

  • @scarecrow1771 block doesn't matter when you can blast sword users back and then move backwards while reloading. Or just switch to other gun and then 2 shot them. Blunder bomb is great only you have to use a menu to equip it. And pretty sure bunny hopping removes player collisions.

  • @illbushido305 how do you get 2 hits when everytime you try to close distance you get blasted back? I've tried double gunning, don't enjoy it. 50/50? Idk dude 85 % of the time I gotta fight a double gunner they sucessfully 2 shot me.

  • @hurricanegriz how is having 2 short range weapons OP?

  • @tubzy121 pressing 4 selects your bombs/cannonballs. If you are going to two shot someone you still have to hit two shots without them healing in between or you getting hit in return, this is skill, not broken weapons.
    Double gunning is not op anymore, it used to be but that was due to a very fast weapon switch and accurate hip fire.
    You can deal with double gunners, but the first step is to not run in a straight line at them spamming m1.

  • @scarecrow1771 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @tubzy121 pressing 4 selects your bombs/cannonballs. If you are going to two shot someone you still have to hit two shots without them healing in between or you getting hit in return, this is skill, not broken weapons.
    Double gunning is not op anymore, it used to be but that was due to a very fast weapon switch and accurate hip fire.
    You can deal with double gunners, but the first step is to not run in a straight line at them spamming m1.

    And for controller, the left and right D-Pad buttons have nothing set by default. My immediate go to for that was to set one to Food and one to Throwables. It lets you quick access either one, and on top of that lets you cycle those categories quickly with a button tap.

    Sometimes it just takes a moment to map the controller better than the default settings. But it is totally an option.

    Anyways, I certainly wouldn't say double guns is the meta by a long shot. I actually see varied loadouts which tells me any loadout can be effective in the right hands. Outside of some general things (like the well known hit reg) I personally like where combat is at mostly. I mostly run Sword and Flintlock myself, but I change that up from time to time based on the circumstances. And I think that's a good thing, even if there is some room for improvement.

    So, as many have said, restricting people to need Sword and Gun loadouts severely limits the game and the types of encounters we can have and I'm not for that at all.

  • @scarecrow1771 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @tubzy121 pressing 4 selects your bombs/cannonballs. If you are going to two shot someone you still have to hit two shots without them healing in between or you getting hit in return, this is skill, not broken weapons.
    Double gunning is not op anymore, it used to be but that was due to a very fast weapon switch and accurate hip fire.
    You can deal with double gunners, but the first step is to not run in a straight line at them spamming m1.

    To add to that, on PC you can set a keybind specifically for throwables. Idk how easily that might work on Xbox, but if you're getting into a lot of shipboard combat it's worth trying.

  • It's not even meta, i rarey if ever go against them and i almost exclusively PvP

  • @tubzy121 said:

    85 % of the time I gotta fight a double gunner they sucessfully 2 shot me.

    Then either you're constantly fighting people with cracked aim & immunity to hitreg, or you have terrible movement with the sword.

  • @tubzy121 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @illbushido305 how do you get 2 hits when everytime you try to close distance you get blasted back? I've tried double gunning, don't enjoy it. 50/50? Idk dude 85 % of the time I gotta fight a double gunner they sucessfully 2 shot me.

    You’re movement probably isn’t very good with sword then because if they successfully two tap you 85% of the time, something isn’t working out for you. Hopefully you aren’t try to run at them spamming RT/M1 in a straight line because this doesn’t work.

  • @tubzy121 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @hurricanegriz how is having 2 short range weapons OP?

    Most SoT combat is close range dude

  • @tubzy121 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @hurricanegriz how is having 2 short range weapons OP?

    How is having two long range weapons, that actually require you to aim them OP?

  • @tubzy121 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @illbushido305 how do you get 2 hits when everytime you try to close distance you get blasted back? I've tried double gunning, don't enjoy it. 50/50? Idk dude 85 % of the time I gotta fight a double gunner they sucessfully 2 shot me.

    Then they were a better aim then you, no need to punish them, just get better.

  • I think double gunning is one of the worst things that happened to this game.

    Not the actual load out or the people who use it. I just think once it became a meta and dictated the balance changes it ruined combat. Combat progressively got worse to find workarounds or balances around the load out and because of that the current combat in the game is just garbage.

    Combat used to be really clean and responsive when the game first came out. Sword duels were fun and players could fight against the sword tornado by learning how to block and side step. The sword stun worked and honestly hit registration wasn't even that big of an issue back then as it is now ( I can't blame double gunning for the hit regs though)

    Combat has been lack luster and just plain garbage and the reason is that Rare has been constantly trying to balance AROUND double gunning.

    Changing combat to slow down double gunning which hurt everything else, changing sword combat to try and keep up with players sprinting away to reload.

    Every single update for combat has been to try and BALANCE double gunning.

    I think if they just made sword mandatory from the beginning, combat would have been in a better place and wouldn't be so freaking aggravating. I've asked around and read up about things online and one of the most hated aspects of this game is the player combat. I can't find one source that says the combat is fun in this game. Mostly its "unbalanced, riddled with bugs, hit registration problems, makes you want to punch children".

    I think double gunning has just been an outright anchor for this game and if Rare would have just bit the bullet and made sword mandatory, I think the game would have been a lot better than it is now.

    Lots of players would have cried and complained but they weren't going to go anywhere. Double gunners complained about the sword damage buff and even some of the streamers started to use swords. People will be angry and rage if sword was made mandatory but they aren't going to go anywhere.

  • @theseventeas said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @scarecrow1771 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @tubzy121 pressing 4 selects your bombs/cannonballs. If you are going to two shot someone you still have to hit two shots without them healing in between or you getting hit in return, this is skill, not broken weapons.
    Double gunning is not op anymore, it used to be but that was due to a very fast weapon switch and accurate hip fire.
    You can deal with double gunners, but the first step is to not run in a straight line at them spamming m1.

    To add to that, on PC you can set a keybind specifically for throwables. Idk how easily that might work on Xbox, but if you're getting into a lot of shipboard combat it's worth trying.

    same for controller, I have hotkeys for food and blunderbombs. no disadvantage

  • @xultanis-dragon said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    I think double gunning is one of the worst things that happened to this game.

    Not the actual load out or the people who use it. I just think once it became a meta and dictated the balance changes it ruined combat. Combat progressively got worse to find workarounds or balances around the load out and because of that the current combat in the game is just garbage.

    Combat used to be really clean and responsive when the game first came out. Sword duels were fun and players could fight against the sword tornado by learning how to block and side step. The sword stun worked and honestly hit registration wasn't even that big of an issue back then as it is now ( I can't blame double gunning for the hit regs though)

    Combat has been lack luster and just plain garbage and the reason is that Rare has been constantly trying to balance AROUND double gunning.

    Changing combat to slow down double gunning which hurt everything else, changing sword combat to try and keep up with players sprinting away to reload.

    Every single update for combat has been to try and BALANCE double gunning.

    I think if they just made sword mandatory from the beginning, combat would have been in a better place and wouldn't be so freaking aggravating. I've asked around and read up about things online and one of the most hated aspects of this game is the player combat. I can't find one source that says the combat is fun in this game. Mostly its "unbalanced, riddled with bugs, hit registration problems, makes you want to punch children".

    I think double gunning has just been an outright anchor for this game and if Rare would have just bit the bullet and made sword mandatory, I think the game would have been a lot better than it is now.

    Lots of players would have cried and complained but they weren't going to go anywhere. Double gunners complained about the sword damage buff and even some of the streamers started to use swords. People will be angry and rage if sword was made mandatory but they aren't going to go anywhere.

    Agreed, especially on the punching children part.

  • @tubzy121 learn to strafe

  • @xultanis-dragon huh? after rare nerfed the quick switch and buffed sword range by 20% you still think they’re trying to “balance around double gun”?!?!?!? You wanna know why people say the things about sea of thieves combat? Because the sword is a broken mess, shots don’t count and all it takes to die is to get hit twice by someone melting left click/right trigger.

  • @cramp said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @xultanis-dragon huh? after rare nerfed the quick switch and buffed sword range by 20% you still think they’re trying to “balance around double gun”?!?!?!? You wanna know why people say the things about sea of thieves combat? Because the sword is a broken mess, shots don’t count and all it takes to die is to get hit twice by someone melting left click/right trigger.

    Sword range was decreased, you mean sword damage was increased and that was done because they again were balancing around double gunning.

    They did that because double gunners were tanking hits to the face while reloading and getting a kill shot off. Double gunning isn't hard. Especially when players are using blunder/sniper now. They can't afford to miss with the pistol anymore lol so they go with spray and pray at range.

    They have balanced around double gunning constantly since it became popular to try to let players have it but keep combat balanced. Its not balanced and its not fun.

    They could just make sword mandatory and then they could finally make changes not ONLY to sword but to the guns as well. Damage, range, ammo amounts. They could make changes freely without worrying about double gunners.

    Launch Combat mechanics were the best. Almost every change to that has been to rebalance or fix double gunning.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @cramp said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @xultanis-dragon huh? after rare nerfed the quick switch and buffed sword range by 20% you still think they’re trying to “balance around double gun”?!?!?!? You wanna know why people say the things about sea of thieves combat? Because the sword is a broken mess, shots don’t count and all it takes to die is to get hit twice by someone melting left click/right trigger.

    Sword range was decreased, you mean sword damage was increased and that was done because they again were balancing around double gunning.

    They did that because double gunners were tanking hits to the face while reloading and getting a kill shot off. Double gunning isn't hard. Especially when players are using blunder/sniper now. They can't afford to miss with the pistol anymore lol so they go with spray and pray at range.

    They have balanced around double gunning constantly since it became popular to try to let players have it but keep combat balanced. Its not balanced and its not fun.

    They could just make sword mandatory and then they could finally make changes not ONLY to sword but to the guns as well. Damage, range, ammo amounts. They could make changes freely without worrying about double gunners.

    Launch Combat mechanics were the best. Almost every change to that has been to rebalance or fix double gunning.


  • @burnbacon If these things were implemented, I think I'd give doublegunning a shot. (or two shots, hehe)

    I think it would be more skillful and strategic that way, I'd like that.

  • @klutchxking518 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @burnbacon If these things were implemented, I think I'd give doublegunning a shot. (or two shots, hehe)

    I think it would be more skillful and strategic that way, I'd like that.

    Can we be honest about something though?? This isn't directed at you personally, just the mentality of PvP gamers saying "more strategic and skillfull". The ones in almost any game that says "I use this meta because it requires the most skill har har".

    That simply isn't true. They use it because it has the highest damage output and is the most successful. If players wanted to more challenges and more skill then they would use the lowest Tier'd meta, not the highest.

    Guns in this game aren't really that difficult and aiming in this game is not difficult either. Aiming by itself might take some semblance of skill but lets not suggest that using guns in this game takes any more skill then most point and clicks. There are not damage mitigation spots; limb, body, or head shots. There is no semi-auto or full auto weapons. You can aim for the largest part of the players body and get full damage everytime and even if they miss, if you hit the arm or leg or even a toe, its still full damage.

    Any player who has spent time playing FPS games where they have always had to aim for the smallest part of the body aka the HEAD can flick towards a body shot EASILY.

    I just want players to be honest here. The whole "we use the meta that takes the most skill" is just completely nonsense lol.

    If the meta was a laser bream that homed in on players for a gaurenteed kill, PvP would be using it like crazy suggesting something like "oh well you have to manage your ammo and that takes skill".


  • @xultanis-dragon I'm not into the "most skillful lololol" thing, I just like a challenge, and when things have good sides and bad sides. I am very into balanced fights. I agree with all of the points you stated. I think I may have worded my post wrong.

  • @klutchxking518

    No like I said, it wasn't directed at you. I just got caught up in the moment from the phrase because I've heard it so many times. I'm a PvP, I love PvP games but I always found it hilarious when PvP'ers talk like the meta they use is because it requires the most skill, not because it the best and wins the easiest.

    But nah you good broski, sorry for the mix up.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    I just want players to be honest here. The whole "we use the meta that takes the most skill" is just completely nonsense lol.

    I used to use sword + flintlock/Eor for my first... Half a year? I started In June if i remember right (2019) just before Black powder Stashes.
    I felt of being "good" with sword and in PvP. I was able to outmaneuver other sword users like jumping over their spam exc.
    Then at or around Sea bound Soul I started to notice how messy it was. Best example I can remember from that time was how I was fighting player under sloop (both spamming m1 not the best strategy ik) at least then if you hit your hit on him his hit was canceled and my animation was finishing on him so I though that I was "winning" the duel only to be greeted by my health bar jumping from 100 to 40 (because server stuff or idk)

    It toke some time but I decided to try doublegunning on arena as i was done with sword and at first I wasn't good at it but I started to like it more. You get "less" hitreg issues with 2 guns or less issues that would cost you whole fight as no one is 1mm away from you waiting for final shots. it felt smoother.

    Then some time passed and I decided to try sword ones again. We were fighting sloop on brig and i boarded them. First time my sword didn't block his shots even as I had my block animation and right after that my sword blocked 2 of his hits without showing me the animation so I wasn't sure when it would stop blocking.

    TL:DR I switched from sword to DG because sword started to feel buggier and clumsier because of hitreg issues where as with DG those hitreg issues excist but aren't as lethal (usually)

  • @cramp said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @xultanis-dragon huh? after rare nerfed the quick switch and buffed sword range by 20% you still think they’re trying to “balance around double gun”?!?!?!? You wanna know why people say the things about sea of thieves combat? Because the sword is a broken mess, shots don’t count and all it takes to die is to get hit twice by someone melting left click/right trigger.

    if you sprint cancel, you can switch nearly as fast as before

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