Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?

  • @stundorn Making a sword mandatory is a massive overreach and over reaction to a non existent problem. The current iteration of the double gun is pretty well balanced. Double gunning's success is largely owed to most people not knowing how to counter it, and it has the massive drawback of not having access to the sword lunge.
    As long as gaming has existed there have been exploits and the people that have used and abused them.
    Some will be patched like the DG of old, some will become features like tucking and running with loot.
    It's up to Rare to identify what is game breaking and needs to go and what is having a positive effect on the game.
    While the current high dpi movement exploit does need to go, it is no different to learning how to sail your ship or fire your guns accurately, it's a tool to master if you wish.
    If Rare doesn't like it, they can patch it, until then, Pirates go brrrrrr

    Also I've noticed you like to spout stuff about being "good sports" and then almost immediately start calling people names, so try to practice what you preach, otherwise you only appear as a hypocrite.

  • @scarecrow1771
    do what you want man, but look up the word sportsmanship. also you think I'm being melodramatic, see how frustrating it is to have a weak player avoid getting killed because of an exploit. weak players need to use weak tactics.

  • @stundorn There is no exploit here, video in slow motion is a proof of that.
    Now if you want to complain that this makes harder on others who are on old hardware and can't keep up than maybe you have something. Otherwise this is yet another empty complain about something normal.
    This is where problem is. People flood Rare with bogus reports so the real issues are not getting resolved.
    Now I don't blame you for it, I blame Rare for simply not putting stop to people flooding their reporting system.
    Couple people get officially ban for abusing reporting systems with bogus things and the rest will get message.

  • @stainiak said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @stundorn said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:


    what does spamming DPI switch?
    I'm not aware what it does?

    the lag-switching was also sonething that i didnt know, maybe all the sweats complaining about bad hitreg need to pull it off :D jk :D

    DPI switching changes the sensitivity of your mouse on the fly. When you're in the water you can up the sensitivity to crazy levels (depending on the mouse) and then rock it back and forth. This makes your character model go crazy and pretty much unhittable.

    oohhhh that old glitch, never knew what caused it until now, yeah that's pretty broken ngl, like I'll defend exploits in the game if they don't give you much of an advantage but nah that's actually pretty terrible

  • @chronodusk said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @satanicnemesis said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    Do you think this is this cheating?

    I don't think it constitutes cheating but It's definitely wrong.

    Is it a tactic?

    No, it isn't. No matter how much anyone says "it's just one of those high skill nuances!!11!!" -- it really is not...

    Do you see no problem with it?

    Yeah I think it's a problem. Not every mouse has a DPI switch. Why should someone else be able to get an advantage that I don't have just because they bought a higher end mouse? I don't see how Rare can patch it though.

    Honestly I much as I hate it, SoT has been a game to benefit hardware difference from day one so as far as the dev's logic/handling on this issue goes on that last point you are wrong.

  • @scarecrow1771 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @stundorn Making a sword mandatory is a massive overreach and over reaction to a non existent problem. The current iteration of the double gun is pretty well balanced. Double gunning's success is largely owed to most people not knowing how to counter it, and it has the massive drawback of not having access to the sword lunge.
    As long as gaming has existed there have been exploits and the people that have used and abused them.
    Some will be patched like the DG of old, some will become features like tucking and running with loot.
    It's up to Rare to identify what is game breaking and needs to go and what is having a positive effect on the game.
    While the current high dpi movement exploit does need to go, it is no different to learning how to sail your ship or fire your guns accurately, it's a tool to master if you wish.
    If Rare doesn't like it, they can patch it, until then, Pirates go brrrrrr

    Also I've noticed you like to spout stuff about being "good sports" and then almost immediately start calling people names, so try to practice what you preach, otherwise you only appear as a hypocrite.

    There are the good exploits like the ones you've mentioned above that actually take some skill/knowledge of the game, and there are the bad ones that do need to go such as the DPI glitch. Might play around with it a bit now that I know how to do it to see how much of a difference it makes, but I guess you're right about pirates going brrrrr since this has been around since day one and the devs continue to ignore it just patch out wallbanging :/

  • @hurricanegriz said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    since this has been around since day one and the devs continue to ignore it just patch out wallbanging :/

    Wallbanging was in the game since day 1 until it got removed. There's no reason to think this won't be either if it starts to gain popularity.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @hurricanegriz said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    since this has been around since day one and the devs continue to ignore it just patch out wallbanging :/

    Wallbanging was in the game since day 1 until it got removed. There's no reason to think this won't be either if it starts to gain popularity.

    One could hope, at least wall banging was fair and took some form of skill/understanding of the game. This depends more on hardware difference than anything.

  • @shifty189 You say weak, I say smart.
    Use it don't use it, but the only people to blame for exploits are the developers.

  • @scarecrow1771 “I smart” is all I will say

  • @shifty189 This is what I was thinking.

  • @jadescissors32 That is easier said than done.

  • Weak! ... though I suppose if the sweaty tryhards are doing it, then their boat is already at the bottom of the ocean, courtesy of my original xbox one and broke assss controller. Everyone point and laugh at the final desperate attempt to win by any means necessary

  • Exploits are cheating in every single game ToS. If anyone believes that this exploit is actually a planned function of gameplay you are just trying your best to justify your cheating. Also, if anyone thinks that hardware exploits are a necessity planned from the beginning remember this is an Xbox Studios game. Sea of Theives was meant to be an equal playing field which is why all items are only cosmetic upgrades. The game was meant to be played on equal hardware (Xbox) with mostly equal controllers. Obviously nobody can fault a player for having a better rig but using advanced hardware to exploit weaknesses is cheating plain and simply and honestly where is the fun in beating another player not by skill but because you bought a special mouse? It's like rolling up on a sloop parked at an outpost and gunning it down with a galleon while the player is away, I will never understand the joy of playing a game when besting someone means not playing on the same level.

  • Cheaters are an annoyance and just too weak to no to cheat and play regularily and like intended.
    Its starts with hopping servers.
    People who cannot not cheat are just weak.

  • @satanicnemesis I might be a little late and someone else may have said, but in my experience I aim for the middle of the "distortion" and most of the time they run into the bullet. It's not surefire but it's something...
    I don't go searching for these exploits on the internet, but one day I thought it would be funny if my pirate went up and down in the water... Lo and behold, I discovered the exploit.
    I don't use it because pistol dps, but it wouldn't be dpi switching for me because I have my dpi very high anyway; it's very easy to even accidentally do a bit of it on a fast turn. It's really just moving your mouse around quickly... You can even do it on Xbox if you had sensitivity/sensitivity curve turned up high (as long as you can take it of course).

  • @stundorn said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    Cheaters are an annoyance and just too weak to no to cheat and play regularily and like intended.
    Its starts with hopping servers.
    People who cannot not cheat are just weak.

    How is server hopping cheating? Guess Pace22 and all the other big streamers are getting banned I guess...

  • So glad there are Xbox only servers.



  • @hurricanegriz players who circumvent the randomness of encounters and make it a playstyle to find other players by hopping servers to me is exploiting the gameand to some degree you can call it cheating yes.
    It takes the unpredicatbility and organic feel of PvP away if people do that excessivly.
    playing the game for me means you immerse and take what is there, not to cheese around it to meet what you want.
    the way it is done by some is like reverseboosting to me to meet easy targets and targets everywhere when it is supposed to have it random and unpredictable.

  • @stundorn said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @hurricanegriz players who circumvent the randomness of encounters and make it a playstyle to find other players by hopping servers to me is exploiting the gameand to some degree you can call it cheating yes.
    It takes the unpredicatbility and organic feel of PvP away if people do that excessivly.
    playing the game for me means you immerse and take what is there, not to cheese around it to meet what you want.
    the way it is done by some is like reverseboosting to me to meet easy targets and targets everywhere when it is supposed to have it random and unpredictable.

    Let them play how they want to play lol. Cheating would be something that actually allows a major advantage over someone. Not just server hopping until you find an event that you want to engage in. Game wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if you just sailing around a dead server with no one doing events, which is to say, quite common.

  • @hurricanegriz

    sure like Alliance Server players who exploit the same mechanic.
    these also take away the organic feel of "random" servers, because they cheese themself out of the pool.
    The one push the rate for PvP, the others cheese themself out of it and the "normal" player faces less passive or trustworthy crews to do an alliance like intended

    but this said: i dont have any problems really - i just say it what it is to me - but i have no drama intention.

    mostly these hoppers are an annoyance only.
    read my yesterday session, i think it was hoppers.
    I dont know for sure, but well with all the time passed by beeing on the Sea of Thieves my guessings were more right than wrong.

  • @stundorn said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:


    sure like Alliance Server players who exploit the same mechanic.
    these also take away the organic feel of "random" servers, because they cheese themself out of the pool.
    The one push the rate for PvP, the others cheese themself out of it and the "normal" player faces less passive or trustworthy crews to do an alliance like intended

    but this said: i dont have any problems really - i just say it what it is to me - but i have no drama intention.

    mostly these hoppers are an annoyance only.
    read my yesterday session, i think it was hoppers.
    I dont know for sure, but well with all the time passed by beeing on the Sea of Thieves my guessings were more right than wrong.

    If we're talking alliance servers then I agree 100% in what you're saying. Server hoppers for FotD and such, it doesn't give them an automatic win or major advantage, so I'm fine with it.

  • @stundorn said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:


    sure like Alliance Server players who exploit the same mechanic.
    these also take away the organic feel of "random" servers, because they cheese themself out of the pool.
    The one push the rate for PvP, the others cheese themself out of it and the "normal" player faces less passive or trustworthy crews to do an alliance like intended

    but this said: i dont have any problems really - i just say it what it is to me - but i have no drama intention.

    mostly these hoppers are an annoyance only.
    read my yesterday session, i think it was hoppers.
    I dont know for sure, but well with all the time passed by beeing on the Sea of Thieves my guessings were more right than wrong.

    Just briefly read through your post also, I don't think it was server hoppers, probs either the same people or you just had the one in a million active server. Respawn distances for pvp have always been kinda dumb as the person who sinks almost always respawns right beside you just a couple of minutes away. Does not help what with 3/4 of the player base being extremely petty and butthurt whenever they get sunk.

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