• Hii, I have searched for an answer to this question, but have had no luck. I have just reached level 100 in season 1, and was wondering if I reach Pirate legend before the end of the season (in the next 7 weeks) would I retrospectively receive the Pirate Legend rewards for the season? (I was trying to get the level 100 reward of the Pirate Legend Curse).

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  • @athene9 Ahoy matey!

    Yes, you will :) If you reach Pirate Legend before the Season is over.

  • @musicmee thanks for the quick reply

  • @musicmee So this is my exact case. I've got to level 100 long before becoming a legend, and now as I did, season pass progress shows that I've got legends' rewards. The problem is they didn't actually appear in my chest. I still don't have access to that curse or any other legend reward.

  • @haos-akella Ahoy matey!

    It can take a day or two for the items to appear - has it been that long yet?

  • @musicmee Ahoy! Pretty much like everything else with this game lately :D It hasn't been long yet, so I'll wait and see. Thanks for the response.

  • @musicmee

    I know this post is quite old, but i have a question about lvl 100 rewards. Me and my friends started playing Sea of Thieves recently and just reached lvl 100 BUT we don't have legendary pirate rank yet and the season will be over in about 12 hours.

    Does that mean that we won't get the reward once we unlock legendary pirate rank because the season is over? that would be really unfair for newer players. We've been trying so hard to complete the season just for that.

  • @ozito I believe the way it works is if by the time the season ends you have not reached pirate legend, then those legend exclusive rewards will remain locked and you wont be able to access them after the season ends (so they wont be stored for use once you become pirate legend). Sounds unfair but I reckon that the legend rewards will become available for everyone in time through the pirate emporium or bilge rats etc. I reached level 100 a while ago but I'm not pirate legend yet, and the legend rewards remain locked and haven't appeared in my inventory for future use unfortunately :(

  • @odeschmitt but its still unfair! The money I have spent buying the plunder pass is exactly the same as the money pirate legends have spent, having that said it should remain locked but allready in our inventory so that when we become PL we could use it then. Rare must fix this as players get a hold of this items even without plunder pass its free and people like me that paid for the pass don’t get it!

  • Yeah same, finished 2 seasons wihtout being a puirate legend. so money wasted.

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