Merchants quest super buggy

  • Every time I find a captains key for the new voyage and take it to the door of the ship it just says “key needed to unlock”. I’ve had so many issues with this quest from ships not spawning, manifests not sparking, keys not working, etc

  • 18
  • Clara's Call

    (First attempt) Acquired all clues in order, (merchant bottle then merchant barrel) picked up key in the water and had no final shipwreck spawn.

    (Second attempt) Found the shipwreck at the first marker, then acquired all clues in order, (merchant bottle then merchant barrel) went to final location and no key spawn.

    @ConvictedMeIon Please share your voyage experiences and upvote any similarities. Fair winds!

  • Unlucky. It worked for me and my friends...
    But obviously all the progression is delayed but that's a known issue...
    I think there's going to be a hotfix still this week, I hope!

  • Im on my 15th and all it ship sailing.
    Key still tricky to find, Im not observant enough it seems, but the rest is all good.

  • Met with a Brigantine crew just now who had finished a Skull Fort as Merchant Emissaries - they experienced more of the same around Devil's Ridge (Unsure of the voyage name currently).

    Their experience was they were unable to find the key but able to find the shipwreck. :(

  • Haven't found any keys
    Haven't had any issue finding shipwrecks

    I did a flameheart at kraken's fall that was beyond glitchy
    first 3 waves were ok but the flameheart wave his body guards were invincible and when they shot the spirits zoomed around like UFO's then shot at me from inside the big hole in kraken's fall.

    Flameheart himself died normally but his bodyguards couldn't be killed (which made for an interesting time killing him surrounded by a force shield of invincible UFO shooters)

  • @burnbacon From what I've seen, the key should be at a small bird marker (a little higher in the air than usual and a smaller flock of gulls) with planks and sloop hatch-openings floating nearby.

    Night time makes it especially difficult to see the small flocks.

  • Also doing Clara's Call, and no key at any of the clues. Found the shipwreck.

    Edit: only time I couldn't find key is when a clue sends me to a large island (Devil's Ridge, Shipwreck Bay). Could be (1) just a bottle clue in a difficult spot (friend said this happened on Snake Island), or (2) clue requires you to talk to the person in the island (person held a clue at Shipwreck)

  • I’ve had two attempts at this (Xbox). First was “Leaky Beacon”, found 5 clues but no key or ship. Second, around Kraken’s Fall, I found the key but no ship. Both times there were bits of wood floating around with nothing to do or collect, so I sail around aimlessly. Feels like I’m missing something, but just seems too difficult if it’s not a bug.

    EDIT: just done another one this afternoon; on this one I found everything - key, ship, cargo, manifest. Didn’t do anything different to the first two, so hard to figure out why they failed.

  • Been fraught with problems. Done around 4-5 at this point. Had a trading-post to devils ridge spawn a super massive flock of gulls (like 3-4 all together) with no wreck after the final clue. The majority of voyages have been missing the captains key in all the clue areas. Clues have been out of order, sending me off the route and to places that have nothing to do with the clue. Been a real nightmare, only had it work properly once. Please fix!

  • This is my first time doing it and we find a ship that we assumed was not ours cause the key didn’t work and had only a small flock of birds so we follow the path and find the big flock of birds only to dive into the water and find nothing

  • We got the message, crate and key. When we ended up at the sunken ship there was no manifest and the key wouldn't work on the door. We figured we'd back-track to see if we missed any clues. When we returned to the previous clue location we had a text popup stating that we completed the voyage. The wreckage despawned (or at least the seagulls did so we couldnt find the sunken vessel again), got frustrated so just sold the captain's key.

  • @oldskooltiger we’ve got key, ship and cargo. Can’t find the manifest???

  • @cheesykt said in Merchants quest super buggy:

    @oldskooltiger we’ve got key, ship and cargo. Can’t find the manifest???

    check the wheel. usually where the skeleton is if it's not in the ship

  • @cheesykt the manifest was held by a skeleton when I found it

  • @baconwrappedsac twice in a row now, I have found all clues in order, found keys and no final shipwreck has spawned. I went all surrounding birds/islands and was able to find a normal shipwreck, but not my lost merchant wreck.

    There are even birds with nothing below them. No barrels, no wood, no ship! This taking an hour or so complete and I am getting nothing for it.

  • @kaiserkai90 update: I believe that the issue is within the free quest from the woman at the tavern. Have not noticed the same issues when getting the quest from the Merchant herself.

  • @convictedmeion i just did a run and found the manivest drifting on the water without a ship (we also didnt find the key)

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