Tips for PvP from day 1 player

  • This is coming from a PvP player who learned since day 1 launch....STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT PVP!!! All of you PvE players who complain about PvP sweats need to learn PvP! Tip 1) take every fight! Stop running away because you’ll never get better. Tip 2) communication. If you don’t have a mic make sure you can type! Tip 3) double gun will beat a sword any day :)

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  • Not everyone wants to fight

    If they are just interested in pve and gold and commendations and don't want the stress of battle fighting is a waste of time

    As someone that does take those fights when they come to me I can say they are rarely worth it outside of thrill of pvp which isn't for everyone. Competitive fights drag on and on and on and they rarely have anything to lose and they will just keep coming back after they sink. Getting efficient at fighting is a useful thing but to some it makes more sense to just make the best use of their time and strategize to minimize losses and leave servers that are gonna be an hour of resource dumping for no progress

    Pvers would be better off playing smart and efficient a lot of the time rather than doing something they don't wanna do

    Minimize the losses, maximize the good luck servers and fortunate opportunities, and don't waste time with emotional gaming and ego battles if pve is their interest

  • @wolfmanbush

    A lot of the reluctance from PvP is the belief that they are going to lose anyways. A bunch of that belief comes from the fact that players still at this stage believe all PvP in this game to be player combat and not naval combat.

    PvE players could be perfectly fine learning naval and they would be at least billions times better off because the sad thing is that a lot of PvP'ers are really horrible at naval lol. Its the truth unfortunately. They are a deadly with the quickscope but are horrible at shooting cannons.

    Chancing of them running into a crew that can do both naval and player combat at a high enough degree is very low so they can lower their issues by learning how to sail properly and use cannons.

  • I like my sword

  • @landedcannon778

    Not everyone is going to become a PvP Chad. PvE styles can thrive and require a skillset, but they can learn to play in a manner that requires literally no shot to be fired. As a day 1 pirate myself... my advice is to master the style that suits the player.

    1. Fleeing is a legit strategy, learn to drive by sell, sail and never get caught. Sometimes denying the fight and securing your own loot that you don't want to lose is the better choice. If you want people to fight you, bring something to entice them to engage in battle with you.
    2. Communication is key in a multiplayer game, but more among your own team members than anything else. If you want to be able to have friendly encounters with others than yes this is a requirement.
    3. Weapon choice is personal, double guns if used properly can beat anything and yet it isn't the end all be all. Personally I am a sword user, it is part of the pirate fantasy in my books. Not everyone has to min max for pure lethality.

    PvE players need to pay attention, park properly, guard their ladders, drive by selling and sailing. Any fighting prowess is a bonus but not a requirement.

  • Understandable, honestly I can’t blame you for not wanting to change if you do have a working system as it is. All I would say is that on cross platform servers Xbox players in particular tend to struggle against PC/keyboard players. The only way that I have found is to become more able to dominate opposition and also achieve bonus loot due to the game design. It’s not an easy skill set to learn but it worth the time.

  • @xultanis-dragon literally couldn’t agree more. You need both in this game

  • bad tips - sorry, but it only contains git gud, dont run and with communicate you mean learn to trahstalk?
    My skill wont rely on guns only having that bad hit reg, so the tip to DG is also questionable at best.

    better tips would be:

    1. Watch the Horizon
    2. Know your surroundings
    3. have enough supplies
  • @glannigan sword is for PvE. Trust me when I say a skilled double gunner will kill you before you have chance to get anywhere near them

  • @landedcannon778 sagte in Tips for PvP from day 1 player:

    @glannigan sword is for PvE. Trust me when I say a skilled double gunner will kill you before you have chance to get anywhere near them

    can you describe what this skill about DG is?
    you mean proper aim and switch the weapons and shoot before the animation is done or even cancel animations of swapping guns?
    I'm interested.

  • @wolfmanbush I respect the idea but you can’t always run. All it takes is one good cannon and somebody will be on you ship. If you don’t have the skills to defend against that you will probably sink. Take my advice, learn PvP but don’t sweat it out

  • @stundorn no. The eye of reach ADS speed is it’s best characteristic. The gun is very unforgiving in terms of hit reg and to a “noob” player is incredibly difficult to master. PvE players may well have already had this weapon in their arsenal as it is effective against keg skeletons and other enemies however it’s strength is in PvP. The other gun is completely by your choice however the most common is blunderbuss, as some might not have known the blunder has a pre-central hip fire that removes the need for ADS (Titanfall players are happy) but the flintlock also has strengths in fire rate/damage.

  • @landedcannon778 said in Tips for PvP from day 1 player:

    @glannigan sword is for PvE. Trust me when I say a skilled double gunner will kill you before you have chance to get anywhere near them

    True, but as long as his ship is sunk I win 😜

    I think sometimes people lose track that K/D or winning a Vs isn’t really that important.

    Eliminating the spawn point (sinking the ship) is.

    If I’m sending a boarder with the intention to disrupting repairs on a Galleon I “think” it best he has a sword with him.

    Dudes shooting to and Island to kill some people...with all that open space. Double Gun would be best...

    Hell I dunno the game is so situational I never have the right gun/Throwable/Food for the right circumstance and every time I’ve tried to double gun when I need it most “Click, Click, Click”.

    But I’ll take your word for it, I’m terrible at Player PVP, I’m more of a Strategist

  • @landedcannon778 said in Tips for PvP from day 1 player:

    @wolfmanbush I respect the idea but you can’t always run. All it takes is one good cannon and somebody will be on you ship. If you don’t have the skills to defend against that you will probably sink. Take my advice, learn PvP but don’t sweat it out

    It depends on what kind of scenario a person plays in. People that play with consistent, calm, and communicative crew mates sure they could turn themselves into a well rounded crew with ease

    I actually am someone that went your path and I just realize it's not the best chance to save the loot in the end for all types of people.

    A lot of people play open crew and it brings chaos on board not from the hostile enemy but from a lack of coordination and communication. That's something you can't do much about with random personalities and skill levels that don't have an established method of communicating most efficiently with each other

    In a sloop by myself I fight everyone that attacks me. In an open crew brig I know there will always be at least one person that is going to either cost us the win or make the win much harder to achieve. No matter how much better I improve at combat or improve at captaining there will always be that weak link with random crew mates. So I adapted to where I use them as meat shields and distractions while I plan to get either all the loot away or at least the most valuable items. Typically a detached rowboat at a well hidden time while I'll send them off in a different direction or I stash stuff or whatever it is.

    Your recommendation is of course not a bad one everyone should try to improve everything they do but there will be a lot of times where people have to outsmart attackers to save their loot because as a team they aren't going to outfight them

  • @landedcannon778 sagte in Tips for PvP from day 1 player:

    @stundorn no. The eye of reach ADS speed is it’s best characteristic. The gun is very unforgiving in terms of hit reg and to a “noob” player is incredibly difficult to master. PvE players may well have already had this weapon in their arsenal as it is effective against keg skeletons and other enemies however it’s strength is in PvP. The other gun is completely by your choice however the most common is blunderbuss, as some might not have known the blunder has a pre-central hip fire that removes the need for ADS (Titanfall players are happy) but the flintlock also has strengths in fire rate/damage.

    Do you play on PC or Xbox , do you use a monitor with hardware crosshair?

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