Enable So we can kick

  • First of all, english is not my best in writing.

    This has been on the Table before and did not find a thred about this topic.

    So mods sorry If i take this up and we alrdy have a thread about this.

    We need to get a kick option at our boats, If i start a boat then its (my game that i share with others) and If you get a toxic player u shuld be able to kick him so he cant destroy the gameplay for other playing people.

    Was long time ago this happend to me so have not had this option Im my mind untill today,

    We were doing athenas, and i put up a post looking for a player, and ofcours he Said he was good but after first round of athena we all notis that he did not know what he was talking about and slowed down the game,

    The other lads started to get irritated with this Guy,

    We went to an outpost to sell and we sold because i did not want him to loose any rep because he had been sailing with us.

    After we sold i asked him nice that it have been fun sailing with you but sorry i need to get my friend into the game so we can speed this up,

    He dident want to leave and we had a stocked ship, and did not rly want to start a new one just because he dident leave our game,

    We reported him, (he was coming with real life threats and everything) ofc he cant do nothing but still this is not okey.

    It took us nearly one hour to get rid of this guy, why do we need to be the people leaving a game????


    And you Will make alot of pirates happy

  • 6
  • Yea this happened to me too
    I made a suggestion about a walking the plank feature that would kick people of ur crew and spawn them on an island with no crew

  • Again...

    1. How would you know, if you spawned first? Why is first to spawn make you captain/More power over the crew?
    2. Kicking would just be horrible for anyone who randomly joins a crew, plays and gets loot only to be kicked at the turn in point.

    Sometimes, you need to suck it up, bite the bullet and Leave. You already turned in everything, stocking a ship is childs play and frankly shouldnt be your "number one" thing. Just let it happen, stock as you play.

  • @burnbacon Well If you would read it says my game i start it up, not random crew, i know What i get myself into then.

    I start a game, i get my crew in, we miss one person.
    I put up a looking for crew post.
    I missjudge the skill of the person i get on the boat.
    He destroyed 1H gameplay for us

    So plz just read and dont try and downvoat kicking system because its needed.

    On random crew with opend crew it shuld not be a kicking system.

    But on closed crew it shuld

  • Why did you start an "open crew" in the first place? Build your crew around a closed crew next time to avoid these people.

    Your kick feature would be exploited by people wanting to get their friends in on a boat full of loot that you worked for.

    If I join an open crew that has loot on it and am brigged within 1 minute simply for joining I am not leaving that brig until you sell everything or you sink, I will stay in there all day.

  • This wouldnt work mate.
    I can let some idiot place his special voyage down.
    Let him assist me in doing all the work.
    Last minute, my friend can come online and we kick him and my friend takes all his share of the loot.

    It would be horrible being on the receiving end of that.

    If kick was to be implemented.
    Many threads would appear suggesting its immediate removal.

    Its better as it is now.
    Just sell up. move on.
    Stocking up isnt a chore anymore.

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