Stop making costumes!

  • This is honestly depressing. I saw the video on the new update and was so excited for the new outfits, then I log on and realize that they are costumes. I feel like I have more creative freedom on Viva Pinata. What's the point of being in the "Sea of Fashion" reddit if I can't mix and match any clothes.

    The lack of cosmetics is the biggest problem in the game. Cosmetics are the only reward for playing - and the cosmetics are greatly lacking. I thought we were finally getting some new tops, pants, I thought the leg piece was a new peg leg - and mostly I was hoping it was all limited time (rare cosmetics are always nice to grind for). I'm just immensely disappointed that these are costumes. I mean yeah they look nice, but I don't want to wear costumes. I want to make my own look.

    Fyi - adding cosmetics to the cash shop doesn't count either! Talking about you Shrouded Ghost ship set

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  • So your more mad you can’t get the outfits because they are behind a paywall and not ingame gold.

    Just ignore them if you can’t buy them. Very simple.

  • @burnbacon
    Your reply is honestly ignorant.

    I can buy cosmetics with cash, so can most other players. It's not hard to get. That's the issue.

    The only reward for playing the game is with cosmetics; since you can't upgrade your weapons or buy boat upgrades - because they want everyone to be on an equal playing field.

    So because the only reason to play is for cosmetics, and most cosmetics are crud and easy to get - in reality after reaching PL there is no real reason to play. Anyone who says otherwise is just a casual player, not a player who will return to the game every week.

    The only impressive cosmetics in the game right now are the ghost cosmetics for weapons and the boat. That's not a lot to offer.

    All in all my post was about my disappointment is how "lazy" rare is being by making costumes instead of making separate clothing pieces. A lot of players aren't even going to wear the costumes - because there is no enjoyment in wearing a premade outfit.

    PS. I don't think rare is lazy, I just think they need to change their priorities and realize what players actually want.

  • @raengo said in Stop making costumes!:

    I can buy cosmetics with cash, so can most other players. It's not hard to get. That's the issue.

    I don't have an issue with the cash shop, I think its a good way for Rare to make money off of casual players who want nice sets without putting in the hours.

    But for the players who are putting in the hours, there is no reason to buy from the cash shop. We want cosmetics that actually take time and skill to get. There's nothing special or intimidating about seeing a cash shop ship set on the seas.

  • @raengo and here i thought the reward for playing was fun.

    jokes aside, I would love more cosmetics to be added to the gold/doubloon shop. just for when I hit the random button.

  • @raengo said in Stop making costumes!:

    @raengo said in Stop making costumes!:

    I can buy cosmetics with cash, so can most other players. It's not hard to get. That's the issue.

    I don't have an issue with the cash shop, I think its a good way for Rare to make money off of casual players who want nice sets without putting in the hours.

    But for the players who are putting in the hours, there is no reason to buy from the cash shop. We want cosmetics that actually take time and skill to get. There's nothing special or intimidating about seeing a cash shop ship set on the seas.

    Wait, what? You seem to imply that Rare should be making money off the more casual players who play the game less, but not the more dedicated players who play the game more. Why are the hardcore players off limits? I’ve put in more hours than I want to know about, and I am okay paying them for things so that I can keep playing a game rather than seeing them close it down due to loss of income. We already have a lot of cosmetics that take time to get. There are a ton of free cosmetics compared to what was there at launch. They have a right to make money off a game that they continue to update rather than adding purchasable expansions.

  • @ghostpaw You misunderstood what I said. I'm saying most dedicated players aren't interested in cash shop items. Most dedicated players want cosmetics that show off their skill. Dedicated players can obviously also purchase from the cash shop, but it's not a rewarding in the least nor does it make people want to return to the game.

  • @captain-coel said in Stop making costumes!:

    @raengo and here i thought the reward for playing was fun.

    jokes aside, I would love more cosmetics to be added to the gold/doubloon shop. just for when I hit the random button.

    Good one lol.
    I surely have a lot of fun chasing people across the map who run to take their emissary flags off, and sinking people who come back for revenge kills and just waste my time and resources.
    But yeah, even some more basic cosmetics (not requiring certain commendations) to the gold/doubloon shop like you said would be good for the game.

  • @raengo said in Stop making costumes!:

    @ghostpaw You misunderstood what I said. I'm saying most dedicated players aren't interested in cash shop items.

    What are you basing that assumption on? You can speak for yourself and your own interests, but are you sure that you are able to say that you represent ‘most’ dedicated players? I checked your stats for the game through Xbox. I don’t know where the ‘dedicated’ thresholds are, but your stats (meters sailed, islands visited, voyages turned in, etc.) didn’t seem very noteworthy. This is not to call you out for being a casual player. There is nothing at all wrong with that. I am just suggesting you may be categorizing yourself incorrectly.

    @raengo said in Stop making costumes!:

    Most dedicated players want cosmetics that show off their skill. Dedicated players can obviously also purchase from the cash shop, but it's not a rewarding in the least nor does it make people want to return to the game.

    I’ve bought a bunch of stuff. 1) Because I saw stuff that I wanted to sail with sometimes, and 2) I want to support the developers so that the game keeps going. It feels rewarding and I certainly look forward to sailing again with it. I am hoping others do the same, otherwise Rare and Microsoft won’t be able to keep the game going.

  • @ghostpaw

    I'm sorry to tell you this but you're not the brightest.

    Just because what my "stats" say, it doesn't mean i'm "categorizing" myself incorrectly. It just means I haven't been playing as long as you or other players. Yet since I have been playing with my boyfriend, we play every day at least 6 hours for the past 4 months, with a few breaks. So I think I'm well enough qualified to know the areas this game is lacking.

    Also you once again didn't understand a word I said, and you're wasting my time to even bother trying to explain it to you so this is the last time.

    Like I said, anyone can buy the cash shop items, I never said dedicated players couldn't. I just said that adding items to the cash shop doesn't count as adding the content the game needs.

    I do represent most dedicated players, because most dedicated players have the common sense to understand that this game lacks in cosmetics - which are the only rewards for playing.

    Fyi Rare doesn't need the cash shop to keep the game going. It just came out on steam, they are in more than a comfortable place. The cash shop is just an option for people who want to "help out", and for people who don't have the time to grind for cosmetics.

    So go ahead and discard yourself from my forum post. This is a place for people with brains bigger than a row boat.

    Edit: The only redeeming thing about you is that you're against PvE servers. So maybe you can upgrade to a sloop.

    Edit 2: Also it's actually funny you think rare is some backwashed company that could close down if people don't buy from the cash shop. They're a big company that have made many popular games, most of which I have played.

    Edit 3: Calling me a casual when I started playing more recently, why would you even think you had a valid argument. Yeah I know i'm being petty.
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  • @raengo Well, if you are done with whatever that was about, all I asked was on what you were basing your claim, “ I'm saying most dedicated players aren't interested in cash shop items.” Do you have something beyond opinion? How is that a controversial question? I was also simply pointing out that you might not have earned the right to speak for dedicated players (whatever that means) unless you have something objective to back up your claim. Your meters sailed haven’t broken 2 million in 11 months, you haven’t completed many voyages, etc. Again, there is nothing wrong with being a more casual player. You seem insulted by that idea. I consider myself a rather casual player. I play when I can, but between work and grad school my time is somewhat limited. My point here is, if you multiply your own stats by 3.27 (because 36 months / 11 months = 3.27) you still have a ways to go to match mine (Ghostpaw = a casual player). It is okay. Maybe you and your crew just fish a lot or something. Your deeds don’t seem sufficient enough for you to speak as if you are some kind of hardcore player.

    Imagine someone going into a gym and telling the front desk, “you need to change the music and also give us free protein drinks. It is okay to charge the casual people here, but us hardcore professional builders don’t like it.” This person may have been hanging out at the gym a lot over the last couple of months, but you can see they obviously don’t lift much and certainly can’t speak as if they know the perspective of professional bodybuilders. They recently started working out a little and they haven’t achieved much. Can you see how someone claiming to speak to a group they obviously don’t belong to is relevant here? You can speak for your own opinion, but are you going far beyond that and claiming to speak for others. I hope that helps clear up the confusion. If not then I don’t know what else to say. You do you.

    So go ahead and discard yourself from my forum post. This is a place for people with brains bigger than a row boat.

    You have not been granted the right to decide who has the right to post in a thread. That is not how it works. Welcome to the Internet.

    Edit 2: Also it's actually funny you think rare is some backwashed company that could close down if people don't buy from the cash shop. They're a big company that have made many popular games, most of which I have played.

    Yes, they appear to know what they are doing and have a good track record on making fun games. You are the one here second-guessing their business acumen and telling them how they need to operate. They’ve said the emporium has been a part of their plan for a long time to ensure the game remains profitable. They certainly did make some money off the release on Steam, and they probably don’t want to burn through it by giving away most of their cosmetics. When the game becomes a financial black hole (they all do eventually) they will stop the losses by ceasing to update it as they work on new games.

    Edit 3: Calling me a casual when I started playing more recently, why would you even think you had a valid argument. Yeah I know i'm being petty.

    Just to help you in the future, those numbers you posted are just forum stats. You are actually approaching your 11th month based on your first SoT achievement on 1/10/20. And I have been playing since before the game’s release. I don’t think they started actually tracking stats until later on. Again, I am probably a casual player. Where is the problem here?

  • @ghostpaw Actually I'm too busy killing other players and taking their fish. You lost the argument so you can use the door. I don't need to "earn" any right, you're just mad because you can't handle the facts about the cash shop. I know other hardcore players like myself agree with me.

    Oh and as for your recent edit, like I said, I didn't start playing seriously until 4 months ago. So you trying to use my stats to prove a point is invalid, especially when your logic is compared to mine - you simply just lose.

    Not going to bother responding to you further because you're beneath me. ;) Even with your 3 years in the game. Have fun using your cash shop ship set, my boyfriend and I know those ships are always the easiest to sink. That's why we won't even be buying the newest one.

    Edit: If you don't understand how you lost the argument - you lost when you resorted to just trying to insult me by pointing out my stats and calling me a casual, instead of actually making any decent statements about anything related to this forum.

    Even if you consider me a casual, or think I can't speak for "dedicated players", it doesn't negate the simple facts I stated about the cosmetics in this game and the cash shop.

  • Okay then...

3 out of 13