auto sail feature

  • just as the title says id like to see the ability to have auto sail where your character will sail the ship to the waypoint you mark on the map adjust sails and turn the boat as needed all by itself i think this is the next feature we absolutely need in this game.

  • 11
  • Joking?
    I don’t see a benefit to having this.

  • I'll vote yes only if it hits every rock and island along the way without auto repair

  • @gettrumped5229 for real? this has to be a troll post.

  • @captain-coel said in auto sail feature:

    @gettrumped5229 for real? this has to be a troll post.

    I checked their post history. I think they are serious.

  • @captain-coel of course it is but it would compliment auto floating so people dont forget to not drown

  • This would be good for accessibility, but it's a bit too much. Many a non-disabled pirate would take advantage of this. Probably too many.

  • Hard no from me. Too immersion breaking. Doing this really just turns this game into Black Flag, and I don’t like how detached from the authentic sailing experience that game is.

  • are you kidding

  • Clearly a troll post...

  • Sailing is a skill in itself and people should be allowed to make mistakes, it's part of the fun.

10 out of 11