Pirate Appearance Saves + Refunds

  • Ahoy pirates!

    Have you ever been in a dilemma where you wanted to change your pirates appearance but can't decide if you want to or not? Well, I have a solution for you pirates.

    Go buy your Pirate Appearance Potion and go decide which character you want to pick. However, you are in another problem. It's been a couple days and you have not picked which pirate you wanted. Well within a couple of days without a use, you get your Ancient Coins back.

    Also, did you like your pirate before you changed? There should be an option where you can save it for the next time but only have limited character slots. Wouldn't that be a great idea mates?

    Let me know what your thoughts are.

  • 4
    communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • Nah, I don't like the idea because it be overused. Rare wouldn't get that small and tiny, little meaningless 2-5$

    How about another.

    • You use the potion and change your pirate.
      After say....10 days, if you feel the need. The game saves your old pirate and you can opt to switch back to the old one. Only.

    This way, you still have a chance to get back what you lost, at still a cost of using the potion.

    It is an idea, but refunding...no sorry.

  • Regarding the 2 proposed ideas, I like @BurnBacon's version much better.

  • @galactic-geek I definitely agree, @BurnBacon's version is a lot better than mine. My idea was just get the news going but yes it does make sense.

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