More inclusive hair styles/better character creation

  • yo, us female pirates really need to have better character models. Why can't you guys just have an "are you male or female, or neither" thing before character creation so we have a better chance of getting what we want like seriously- Also longer hairstyles/more "modern" hairstyles, please and thank you

  • 15
  • Upvote because the hair options in this game are abysmal.

    We need a femme hair and makeup update, just like when we finally got more skirts and dresses.

  • a quote from the pirate academy

    Whether you elect to be an aged, wiry sea dog or a lumbering, barrel-chested brawler, there’s no need to worry about the finer details like the length of your hair or particularly interesting scars. Those traits will come later, when you’ve taken your first steps on your new pirate feet, earned yourself some gold and paid a visit to the nearest Clothing and Vanity Chests. There are plenty of stylish alternatives available by default, or you can opt to spend plunder at Outposts on everything from trousers to tattoos.

  • @barmaley7580 said in More inclusive hair styles/better character creation:

    a quote from the pirate academy

    Whether you elect to be an aged, wiry sea dog or a lumbering, barrel-chested brawler, there’s no need to worry about the finer details like the length of your hair or particularly interesting scars. Those traits will come later, when you’ve taken your first steps on your new pirate feet, earned yourself some gold and paid a visit to the nearest Clothing and Vanity Chests. There are plenty of stylish alternatives available by default, or you can opt to spend plunder at Outposts on everything from trousers to tattoos.

    What a useless comment. I'm sure OP knows where to buy cosmetics, and for that matter I obviously do to. That doesn't change that there's no good femme hairstyles in the game and almost all girl players use the same 2 or 3 haircuts.

  • @comrade-molly said in More inclusive hair styles/better character creation:

    @barmaley7580 said in More inclusive hair styles/better character creation:

    a quote from the pirate academy

    Whether you elect to be an aged, wiry sea dog or a lumbering, barrel-chested brawler, there’s no need to worry about the finer details like the length of your hair or particularly interesting scars. Those traits will come later, when you’ve taken your first steps on your new pirate feet, earned yourself some gold and paid a visit to the nearest Clothing and Vanity Chests. There are plenty of stylish alternatives available by default, or you can opt to spend plunder at Outposts on everything from trousers to tattoos.

    What a useless comment.


    I'm sure OP knows where to buy cosmetics, and for that matter I obviously do to.

    Too, not to.

    That doesn't change that there's no good femme hairstyles in the game

    debatable and subjective.

    and almost all girl players use the same 2 or 3 haircuts.

    Speculative. Have proof? Please also keep in mind that your biology does not hinder the choice of your pirate's own gender either. My brother, for example, sails as a lady pirate.

  • @galactic-geek probably will soon add something new

  • Thought it worth mentioning, I spotted on this ArtStation post from one of the Character Artists fairly recently, it showcases some beards and hair they have but not yet released. A new un-seen one on each splashtail-costume-wearer in the post. I'd say (or would like to hope) that we might see these soon.

  • @taaaamas Concept Art is exactly that - conceptual. As such, what you're seeing might also be rejected designs.

  • I'm male and I feel bad for girls who play SoT for this reason. Most "female" hairstyles are gender neutral so guys can make long haired pirates. I like the randomness of the pirate generator bc not every pirate looks the same, but they def need to let you choose gender at the start.

  • @galactic-geek I try to be more hopeful. They made it into proper models and can be fitted and rigged to player model sizes. I'm not saying that this is evidence that we will see these in the future, but even as you said that they may just be a concept, that they are still conceptualising, which is great!

  • @aztechies said in More inclusive hair styles/better character creation:

    yo, us female pirates really need to have better character models. Why can't you guys just have an "are you male or female, or neither" thing before character creation so we have a better chance of getting what we want like seriously- Also longer hairstyles/more "modern" hairstyles, please and thank you

    I'm sorry but I don't exactly understand what's stopping you from rerolling the IPG until you find something to your liking? Also, why should we have "modern" hairstyles in a pirate game where the setting is based on the 17th century golden age of piracy?

  • New longer hairstyles, maybe with beads or braids would be fantastic. Long hair would work for male pirates also, I imagine there are guys that would like the option for a change of looks. I'd like to see some Eastern styles as well, it would be great with the more Asian looking outfits we already have. It may be difficult to implement longer hair because of a possible conflict with the many clothing styles but I could see it working with a partial costume, one that is just a top maybe, a shirt or jacket that allows the bottoms to be changed. That also may a way that jewelry could work also and that would be something I'd love to see in the game.

  • @aztechies Also some tattoos that work better on female characters would be nice.

    I can't believe all the Ashen Wind tattoos were located on the character's chest, and thus there was no way to have an unobstructed tattoo on a female character with the fixed-position bralette thing.

    Despite the game doing so much to make things equal between players, the differences between female and male characters seems to have been overlooked..

  • @galactic-geek said in More inclusive hair styles/better character creation:

    @comrade-molly said in More inclusive hair styles/better character creation:

    @barmaley7580 said in More inclusive hair styles/better character creation:

    a quote from the pirate academy

    Whether you elect to be an aged, wiry sea dog or a lumbering, barrel-chested brawler, there’s no need to worry about the finer details like the length of your hair or particularly interesting scars. Those traits will come later, when you’ve taken your first steps on your new pirate feet, earned yourself some gold and paid a visit to the nearest Clothing and Vanity Chests. There are plenty of stylish alternatives available by default, or you can opt to spend plunder at Outposts on everything from trousers to tattoos.

    What a useless comment.


    I'm sure OP knows where to buy cosmetics, and for that matter I obviously do to.

    Too, not to.

    That doesn't change that there's no good femme hairstyles in the game

    debatable and subjective.

    and almost all girl players use the same 2 or 3 haircuts.

    Speculative. Have proof? Please also keep in mind that your biology does not hinder the choice of your pirate's own gender either. My brother, for example, sails as a lady pirate.

    Literally your whole comment is pedantic. It was a useless comment, because he clearly didn't even read OP's post. Then you point out a typo, again just to be pedantic, and then you finally get on topic:

    debatable and subjective.

    Literally everything is regarding cosmetics you absolute brainlet. The reason OP posted is because they don't think there's enough femme options, and I agree. Looks like we're not the only ones either.

    Speculative. Have proof? Please also keep in mind that your biology does not hinder the choice of your pirate's own gender either. My brother, for example, sails as a lady pirate.

    The plain shoulder length hair, the bun, or the long one that's pulled over one shoulder. The vast majority of female pirates you will see in any clips of this game use one of these three.

    Also it's pretty tone deaf for you to tell women to "just play a male pirate" when our complaint is that you can't be very femme in the game. Again this is probably just you being pedantic on purpose in order to be annoying, but maybe you need to examine your own misogyny.

  • @comrade-molly Pedantic? Thanks for teaching me a new word today.

    ...and I never TOLD anyone anything. I was merely making a suggestion. Take from it what you will.

    You should probably be careful with how you phrase things, though - it's never a good idea to use broad, sweeping generalizations. It makes it easier to dismiss your point, even if it's a valid one.

    I'm sorry if I offended you. I was just trying to be concise, as an example for you.

    Regarding cosmetics, I'm not against adding more - I just think that a lot of the hairstyles are relatively gender-neutral, so you actually still have a lot of options (certainly more than 3).

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