Question regarding the AShe-Lords-Event

  • So, I was doing solo-slope and happend to come across an Ashe-Lord-Event that was already in full swing with a full Galleon-Crew battling the lord. I tried to jump in and help but the other crew kept shooting me down and eventually sinking my Ship. My question is, would there have been any downside for the crew that started the fight if I would have joined unhindered ? This would have been my first time doing an event of this kind so i honestly dont know. If the answer is yes and anyone of the crew in question is reading this : I am sorry for any inconvinience I might have caused

    If the answer is no and it was just a case of players being dicks and killing everything in sight : May a seasick Kraken void its bowels into your Kaptain's treasure-chest !

  • 14
  • @celidar The only downside they would have is the risk of you turning on them once the event is over. The Risk vs Reward of letting you help and risk it going wrong for them is not usually worth it.

    It also negates them having to share any loot (if they would have been willing to).

    Its the same as when people complain about getting sunk at an outpost when they a have only just spawned in. It is not worth the other crew risking that someone is friendly and then end up getting sunk because of it, easy to just kill and sink a crew and hand in risk free.

    Paranoia reigns supreme on the seas.

  • @octopus-lime Right. I am mostly playing solo so I keep forgetting that this game has no personal loot and everything is up for grabs for everyone. Ah well, better luck next time i guess and thanks for the answer

  • @octopus-lime In hindsight its a bit silly though : To assume that me, as soloplayer, would even have a chance to survive should i even think about turning against them, a full crew.

  • @celidar You'd be surprised, there are some really good players out there who could easy sink a full crew Galleon.

    Of course it all depends on the skill of the crew in question.

  • @celidar

    In my opinion your problems originate from lack of communication. If you want to join somebody you should be vocal about it. Don't just butt in. Speak with those guys, see what they think about it first.

  • If there’s another crew already doing ashen lords I forget about the loot, jump in to get a few good hits on the boss before I most likely get killed by said crew and sail away after respawning, just to get credit for the completion.

  • @greengrimz Thats assuming i didn't try that. Wich i did. They didnt answer and just kept shooting so the lack of communication is clearly on their side.

  • @celidar said in Question regarding the AShe-Lords-Event:

    @greengrimz Thats assuming i didn't try that. Wich i did. They didnt answer and just kept shooting so the lack of communication is clearly on their side.

    You didn't mention you tried talking with them. You said you went and started slashing the ashen lord, so yes, I assumed you didn't make the effort of arranging your position first.

    If they didn't speak back, and kept killing you, then it really doesn't matter of what you intended, or from whom was the lack of communication originating from. Simply put, at that point your options were 2: run or wipe them instead.

    Things don't always (almost never even) go down as we please. And not only in SoT, so yeah... It is what it is.

  • @greengrimz Sorry for not being more clear on that matter then. And i mostly wrote this post to make sure that /I/ wasnt doing anything wrong or breaking some SoT-etiquette i wasnt aware off. Not so much to complain about the other dudes.

  • @celidar said in Question regarding the AShe-Lords-Event:

    @greengrimz Sorry for not being more clear on that matter then. And i mostly wrote this post to make sure that /I/ wasnt doing anything wrong or breaking some SoT-etiquette i wasnt aware off. Not so much to complain about the other dudes.

    You're not playing SoT wrong. And there really isn't any other etiquette than yours, so long as it's not against the TOS.

    You can butt in as much as you like, with or without speaking to anybody.

  • @celidar
    I was solo, hiding on mermaid's hideaway while three other ships fought over the island. When one ship went down, it left behind a rowboat. Once the ashen lord was killed, I sniped the guy running away with the ashen winds skull and escaped in the rowboat with it.

    You may be outnumbered and outgunned when you're solo, but you can still outsmart others.

  • @greengrimz sagte in Question regarding the AShe-Lords-Event:

    @celidar said in Question regarding the AShe-Lords-Event:

    @greengrimz Sorry for not being more clear on that matter then. And i mostly wrote this post to make sure that /I/ wasnt doing anything wrong or breaking some SoT-etiquette i wasnt aware off. Not so much to complain about the other dudes.

    You're not playing SoT wrong. And there really isn't any other etiquette than yours, so long as it's not against the TOS.

    You can butt in as much as you like, with or without speaking to anybody.

    That might be true but i still prefer to play in a way that's not or at least as little as possible disruptive to other players. For example, if someone would have told me that me butting into that ashlord-fight could have led to njot as much loot as usual being dropped for the other party i would certainly not do it again.

    Do unto others as they shall do unto thee, as they say :P

  • @testakleze sagte in Question regarding the AShe-Lords-Event:

    You may be outnumbered and outgunned when you're solo, but you can still outsmart others.

    I freely admit that i am lacking the skills to pull of such stunts for now. Mostly because my fingers aren't as nimble as they used to be after an accident, wich makes dodging and sniping a bit of chore for me. Wich is precisely why i prefer to play solo too so i wont drag the rest of the team down with my lack of skill

11 out of 14