Skull Stash Voyage Bug

  • Since the Haunted Shores update my crew and i have been unable to buy skull stash voyages. We are aware that this is changed to once a month. But the monthly reset has happened twice since i last bought one. I let it go during the Haunted Shores due to being preoccupied and assumed it was just a glitch and would be fixed in the next update. I assumed wrong. Are we the only ones experiencing this issue?

  • 6
  • Yes! My friends and I are having the exact same problem. It’s been like 4 months now and we still don’t have our skull stash voyage.

  • @the-hoodedjoker I wouldn't mind if they completely delete this voyage...
    But that's just my opinion...
    Anyway...I give you a solution if you don't want to find them yourself (I find plenty of them by the way): buy an ashen chest voyage and an ashen key voyage, the chances are pretty high to get them there

    And another tip: raise a support ticket for this problem

  • @schwammlgott We have found ways around this of course, simply finding them out and about. But i'll admit i never thought about that solution.

  • @schwammlgott I know there are alternatives but when they say that the skull stash voyage resets every month, then that’s what it should do!

  • @jetsplash143252 sagte in Skull Stash Voyage Bug:

    @schwammlgott I know there are alternatives but when they say that the skull stash voyage resets every month, then that’s what it should do!

    That's why I also said: RAISE A SUPPORT TICKET

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