Why is in game voice chat so hard?

  • So me and my friends just got this game, and we are have a bunch of fun. But as soon as i started playing stuff went wrong. I cant hear one of my friends in game chat but i can hear the other, and to top it off it will only recognize my webcam mic. even when i set it to mic at rear panel (my headset mic) it only picks up my usb webcam with an integrated mic. If I unplug my webcam i don't give off any voice signal at all. Right now we have an extremely over-complicated setup, where I am in an xbox party with both of them, a discord call with both of them, and they are using game chat to talk to each other. I can explain why we are doing this if it helps anyone. Any ideas how to fix this?

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  • Ahoy matey.

    Yes voice chat is and can be a pain it the rear. There are a number of issues and limitation with the system.

    The one your describing i belived has a work around but require you to find a bit of a hidden seeting on windows audio bar. If you check in the sound settings there should be a check box inthe mixer window mark use Aux.

    That has solved it for some. However you still will have issue with game chat such as talking to players on xbox.

    I'm sorry i couldn't be more detailed this is an old issue. I'm sure someone could direct you to a video guide.

    But most reccomend using discord or xbl party chat.

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