Can someone please fix open crew

  • The open crew system is extremely flawed, firstly no one ever has a mic, so maybe a way to queue in with people with mics, like maybe a separate open crew option. Also there should be a way to kick players because bringing just isn’t effective enough, I would probably call it marooning, as to keep it in the theme of the game, and it should have a similar voting system to brigging.

  • 7
  • @potato6926 said in Can someone please fix open crew:

    The open crew system is extremely flawed, firstly no one ever has a mic, so maybe a way to queue in with people with mics, like maybe a separate open crew option. Also there should be a way to kick players because bringing just isn’t effective enough, I would probably call it marooning, as to keep it in the theme of the game, and it should have a similar voting system to brigging.

    post an lfg (looking for group) and then it's a little better than open crews and use xbox app or xbox to create or find lfgs to sail with unless they kick you for some reason

  • I wish they had a option for mic and no mic. That be the next best add on. Game already recognizes if one is plugin, why not add choice to join crews who also have one.

  • If it can help you I meet my best crewmates in the Arena lobby. Yes Sir. Now we play quite everyday together in adventure since 6 months and the friendship is going beyond the game.

    Open crew it’s just to have fun with randoms. (But without big project of adventure obviously)
    Sometime you can find serious crew.

    Vote for brig is a good balance to avoid being kicked for no reason before cash in.
    When you raise the anchor it means that you accept to set sail with you current crew and you trust them.

  • @burnbacon sagte in Can someone please fix open crew:

    I wish they had a option for mic and no mic. That be the next best add on. Game already recognizes if one is plugin, why not add choice to join crews who also have one.

    The thing is, sometimes you get really good crewmates, that doesn't have mics...and they communicate pretty well with text chat...had a few of them...
    Also there are people that have mics, but just mess this option, as it would be good somehow, it would be meaningless

  • @potato6926 And how can you fix people?
    Rare should check one by one if they are worthy? hahaha
    Ive played the arena on a sloop yesterday on an open crew and ive joined "the pinnacle of humanity" the most waste of a living organism ive ever seen but there are so many ways to avoid that like groups on Xbox or Discord and there are ton of players to play with.
    But there is no solution and sometimes players dont want to talk down the mic but they will communicate with you and i do not want to split the players base to diffrent groups, if you want to avoid these lazy smelly gnarly noobish kids just look for groups.

  • Been playing open crew lately on sloop it's not too bad tbh just remember to add the decent ppl build up some players to sail with

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