Pirate Lord Title

  • Reach 75 levels in three reputations to become a "Pirate Lord".

    Not only does it give more incentive to do voyages, but it will also increase the PvP scenario.

    The title, and a new set of clothing would be awarded just like when you hit Pirate Legend. Maybe even new equipment, and weapons. I'm sure all Pirate Legends can agree that sometimes loot isn't even worth hauling unless it has significant value in gold, Athena's rep, or towards an achievement.

    At the very least make it a thing if the cap was ever to reach 100, and just have it earned at 100 in three reputations. I can understand that a lot of Pirate Legends are close to 75 and/or already are, so if a big patch were to come out players wouldn't be able to just log in and get it.

    Also, please don't make the Pirate Lord outfit flamboyant and ugly. If it makes you say ARRR, then we're good.

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  • @nukehazard95 1st, we already have an established Pirate Lord; we don't need more of them. Secondly, we already have a Pirate Lord jacket - don't worry; it's not flamboyant. Finally, this game isn't about climbing some virtual ladder; it's about the Adventure!

  • @galactic-geek I actually think it'd be nice, and a new goal to work towards. I would like a new cool outfit and some new title. DOesn't have to exactly be Pirate Lord.

  • As in the Pirate movies, only One Pirate 'King' can be chosen and be in office. Same for Lord, a title given to him for his deeds.

    Now..you do have a goal already, to build your story and tell it. Post on twitter, the forums, youtube.

  • @dominusocto7 said in Pirate Lord Title:

    @galactic-geek I actually think it'd be nice, and a new goal to work towards. I would like a new cool outfit and some new title. DOesn't have to exactly be Pirate Lord.

    I know many of you would be over the moon for something like this, but the problem with adding more and more levels with more and more rewards is that it promotes grinding, which isn't a very good way to actually enjoy the game - it's kind of like a hamster on a hamster wheel. Now, if they added more commendations and rewards with actual tasks to accomplish as part of regular or time-limited events or updates, then I'm all for that as it expands the game by giving you more to do (instead of the same old droll over and over again) - but just adding another rung on the ladder won't actually get you any closer to the moon.

  • It’s not a MMO farming/grinding loot/level game.

    And most of the title/high end cosmetics are meaningless because of server alliance/takeover.

    Just play your own story as it’s a sandbox game.

    Sailor forever :D

  • @chord-vi I don't exactly grind for loot. I'm around 68 GH, 70 MA, and 72 OoS. Most of those levels were from just playing the game. Stealing fort loot was my thing until emissaries made it feel kind of "meh".

    But you are somewhat right. Alliance takeovers and the PvE grind isn't fun, and feels meaningless. I stole a Chest of Legends from some dudes at FotD the other day, and was chased down by a fleet. But SoT is kind of an MMO farming/grinding loot/level game if you really look at it.

    But all in all, what I'm really wanting is more end-game content. I'm currently working on Legendary Sea Dog, but sitting in Arena all day can be taxing especially if your crew isn't on. I guess I'm being a selfish WoW player, but I just want to see this game excel more is all.

  • @galactic-geek Maybe it's about time for a MUTINY?!

  • @galactic-geek you can NOT say the game isn’t about grinding because it clearly is. Let’s see, the dark adventurers set, about 60 million gold, the hunter of the shrouded ghost and the legendary hunter of the shrouded ghost ( both commendations ) the shores of gold curse which includes doing every tall tale 5 times, the ashen curse, which includes doing the heart of fire tall tale 3 times, this took me 3 hours to do, and simply getting pirate legend. You wanna know how I know it’s a grinding game? Because after you have all the stuff in the game like pirate legend, all the outfits etc, there is nothing to do at all. No side quests, no secrets, unless stuff like glitterbeard and all that, but after you do everything there really is nothing to do. Thank you for your time.

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