Tall Tale Access

  • Questions:

    My fiancée and I have just completed the Shores Of Gold Tall Tale.

    We were just wondering, if we started a game with two friends how have not completed all of the previous 8 Tall Tales, would we be able to replay the Shores Of Gold Tall Tale with them or does the game prevent people from doing that?

    Also, just out of curiosity, is the Shores Of Gold “exclusive” to each crew that goes in there or can other crews enter at the same time? We were just worried about the loot we had on board at the time and want to know for future attempts
    Thanks in advance

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  • @jaynestown I have no idea about other crews, but I do know that you can replay the shores of gold tall tale with your friends that haven't done it. As long as you or someone else who has the shores of gold tall tale unlocked votes first, your friends should be able to have a great time in the shores of gold with you.

  • @jaynestown Hi mate, they will be able to play with you if you and your fiancee vote for it. If it does not allow them to vote for it, start a galleon with just you and your fiancee, vote for the quest to start it and then get them to join your session.

  • @jaynestown other crews can do the tale at the same time...so you might be not alone up there

  • Thanks for the responses, it’s good that friends can join us, and we’ll drop the loot off first next time, just in case 😊

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