How do people find the best servers?

  • I see all these pictures of crews with their treasure laid out on the deck of their ship or the beach and I wonder where do people find servers where they have the time to do that without being spotted by another crew? My buddy and I have tried doing this before but were spotted and needless to say we lost all our treasure because we suck at PvP lol. So my question is how do people find these "empty" servers or at least find other crews who are willing to join an alliance or at least not bother you?

  • 5
  • It's not too difficult to be safe somewhere, the limit number of ships on the server is 6, so just keep an eye on the surroundings and take your photo. There is no secret.

  • Alliance Servers. They are all the rage since there isn't a PvE Mode (yet). You can find them using Discord.

  • @faknshenanigans Use ingame voip to have a contact with other crews. Most of times they're friendly for someone who use a voice to communicate.

  • Half the loot is from attacking ships 😂

4 out of 5