Searching the seas ...

  • What is with trying to connect to games and "Searching the Seas..."?

  • 8
  • Ahoy matey!

    This is being investigated by the team. Not much more to report at the moment.

  • @musicmee

    Thank you! I'll be checking twitter daily to see if and when a fix comes through cause it's driving me nuts. Are Xbox players having this issue as well?

  • @mouse-n-keybord Yeah, this affects PC and Xbox... Been an issue since launch of Ships of Fortune (one of many) and quite disturbing that Rare took 3 days to acknowledge the game breaking bug. I wonder if they will fix this before the duplicate commendation incrementing based on crew size when one levels up their emissary rank.

  • It's annoying!

  • Happen After someone crash or left the game voluntary. Shop get bugged and nobody can join the session anymore.

  • @pene-anubis *ship

  • Can confirm it affects Xbox.

    Sadly highlighted in Insider testing but update rolled out to retail regardless.

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