This bug has crippled my account, and I think Rare is ignoring me.

  • 9
  • Have you checked your controller input mapping? B (Xbox) or X (PC) is the default map to drop/let go of items. Have you changed it?

  • @klutchxking518
    I haven't changed it. I've pressed every button. I've also tried different controllers, xboxes, tv, removing all cosmetics, and uninstalling/reinstalling the game.

  • @klutchxking518
    I restored to default, and now it's working. I hate myself right now.

  • @moistatom6 said in This bug has crippled my account, and I think Rare is ignoring me.:

    I restored to default, and now it's working. I hate myself right now.

    Why wasn't that the first thing you did? haha

  • @moistatom6 said in This bug has crippled my account, and I think Rare is ignoring me.:

    I restored to default, and now it's working. I hate myself right now.

    Awe I was just going to say this same thing happened to me and I fixed it by restoring to default. Well I am happy its fixed. Pirate on.

  • @moistatom6 I need a big "I love you" and a cookie. This stuff don't come free, you know.

  • If only you’d turned to community first :(

  • I have a friend who plays on Xbox who has this problem once every few hours, where she will become stuck on a harpoon or a sail and unable to release and move.
    Blunberbombs at the ready, and then she is fine again for several more hours until it happens again.

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