Can’t join my friends crew - constantly Searching the Seas

  • Can anyone help? Any ideas on a workaround to get this working?

    Tried joining my friends open spot on a Sloop - constantly Searching the Seas...

    Closed and re-launched SoT, accepted rejoining my last session, same thing happened.

    Closed and re-launched SoT, declined the chance to rejoin my old session, accepted my friends game invite, but same thing happened again.

    Any ideas on a fix?

    Context: I started this sloop hours ago. My friends joined, I hopped off, I’m now trying to rejoin and it won’t work.

    Any ideas or suggestions appreciated

  • 7
  • I'm still searching the sea's right now, I tried everything to get back in, resets, closing game, starting my own sloop than trying to join the crew nothing seems to work.

    Sucks and they are finishing an athena and can't log in!!!!

  • @flintlock-dan I tried the same thing as you, how infuriating. Let’s raise support tickets too.

  • @ell635 happened to my friends and me today it was horrible.

  • Same here. I was the captain, got the lost connection to a server error. I noticed the option to rejoin my current session was not present. I then tried to join my friend but could not reconnect to the session with my crew. Nobody else was able to join those already in-game as well since my session was seemingly lost.

  • It's a bad known bug atm, once the person that started a ship leaves no one else can join.

  • @mc-rossco said in Can’t join my friends crew - constantly Searching the Seas:

    It's a bad known bug atm, once the person that started a ship leaves no one else can join.

    Thanks for confirming. I raised a support ticket and Rare said it’s a known issue.

    Frustrating thing is I believe I saw this feedback from play-testing yet it still went to retail.

    The servers all seem laggy / jumpy / rubber bands since the update too.

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