Game crash

  • Hi, i don't know if i am in the good place to talk about this.
    I installed the game yesterday and i had no problem to play. i closed and relaunched the game several times.
    But today when i tried to launch de the game, it load, and just after the Rare logo, the game close without any error message.
    I tried to reinstall the game, it doesn't work.
    I tried to log my computer with my microsoft account + reboot. doesn't work too.
    any tips to solve this problem?

  • 4
  • little update
    when i disconnect my account from the store and the xbox companion, i can go until the press a key screen, but the game still continue to close

    if this information can help

  • Problem solved trought this post, i deinstalled all the sonic software on my computer and the game work again

  • the post

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