spawn killing by outposts

  • dear sea of thieves
    what to do against spawn killers at outposts ??
    can i do somting a bout them ??
    most of the time i get killd and spawn killd at an outpost
    is it poseble to make an outpost a save place for players as soon you dock in at an outpost other players cant get your loot or kill you
    and spawn kill you
    if an outpost is a save place its brings more strategy to the game i think
    and more players wil enjoy it wen an outpost becomes a save place for pirates to rest and re suplay ther ships wiht out being under attack
    with this way players can easely find more pirates to ad to there friends list and play together in a crew and go on adventures with there new friends hope i hear from you and your opinion

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  • If you get spawn killed and you have no loot then scuttle or learn how to pvp, if you have loot then just remember that the game is called Sea of THIEVES

  • @wes0462978 Hey! Welcome to Sea of Grie.. erm Sea of Thieves.
    I would like to welcome you with a little tip I learnt early on: When posting on the forums for this game, make it a rule to just plain ignore people telling you to "learn to play".
    They are more often than not the people that don't want things to change because they need players that don't do a whole lot of PvP. Why? Because they are often too cowardly to go into Arena and PvP there. Yes you should learn some basic PvP skills but you should learn how the game works first. Something that takes a while. PvP is hard to learn, so start out with learning how to control your ship and find some friends to watch your back and have fun with when you visit SoT.
    Hope that helps.

    Also: Sadly I don't think making outposts "safe havens" would work. The same people that would spawn kill you would just be camping just outside the safe zone. Some people are like that. Sad aint it.

  • @roguedk That is not the reason an outpost safe zone would not work. The reason an outpost safe zone has not (and will not) be added is because it would be incredibly easy for players to simply sail into said safe zone and get away from any pursuit. One of the main aspects of the game is that no loot is safe until it is sold, and this would kill that.

    As for the other things you mentioned, I just have this to say. I’m not here to tell you to get good or anything like that, and I’m not here to tell you how to play the game. You can certainly choose to PVE only. I’m simply here to that this Sea of Thieves was not made for exclusive PVE. If it was, why would there be an option to fight in the first place? You can’t call people “sad” just because they choose to play the game a different way then you do. Your way of playing isn’t the end all be all, and neither is theirs. That’s the beauty of Sea of Thieves, people have the option to play how they want. Some play styles are more common then others sure, but the game supports a wide variety of styles. There is nothing wrong with playing a certain way.

    However, there is something wrong with attempting to force a single play style on another. You may enjoy PVE, but other players enjoy PVP. Your play style is no more important or valid than theirs is, and at the end of the day they have the right to play they want to, they payed for the game after all.

    You might say, “well PVPers are forcing their play style on me”, however this isn’t true. You don’t have to fight back, and you can continue to PVE as much as you want. You are simply an essential component of their play style, but they aren’t forcing you to take it on.

    Just some things to keep in mind.

  • @roguedk cowardly for Arena?
    Arena is not centered around pvp. It is not as active as I would like, and overall just not a fun waste of time. I don't hide on ships or outposts, but i did want to debunk the claim about Arena. It is just not a fun mechanic to me, so why play it? I assume others have their own issues on it.

    Safe havens were discussed two years ago. Not a new idea and it did not happen as it is easily abused by all. Reapers runs guaranteed pvp and yet people asked for safe havens then too. Someone always wants the game to be easier than it already is. We are vocal as the game keeps changing for others wishes. We learned we must be vocal too if we want some aspects to remain the same.

    We all had our shortcomings at first. We adapted and learned what not to do such as not checking an outpost first before delivering goods.

  • @drewdigon said in spawn killing by outposts:

    You might say, “well PVPers are forcing their play style on me”, however this isn’t true. You don’t have to fight back...


  • When stuff like that happends and it's clear you can't win then i would just swap server since if you stay they might just come back.

  • I can say from my sailing adventures that spawn killing boats/players at outposts is a strategy that many crews use and will continue to do so. If you’re a crew and getting ready to have a long session and want to do fotd or skull forts a few times, then you need to bully the server a bit and make it know you are not to be messed with. I’ve been part of this with crews and also have had it happen to me as well. It’s part of the game. Like one guy said...jump servers, that’s the whole point of being spawn killed. They don’t want you near them.

  • @wes0462978

    A safe place; the ferry of the damned.

    Safe havens are not a strategical aspect, it is a run to place and removes all strategy of a chase. Treasure is not yours till you handed it to the representative of the faction.

    Welcome to the seas, where we are free to roam and be the pirate we want to be. The question is how will you respond to the sails on the horizon. Will you fight, flee or negotiate? Be ready, read the situation and adjust to ensure that you achieve your objective and enjoyment. The tools are there to become the pirate you want to be, it is on you to become that pirate. #BeMorePirate

    PvE is a viable option and can be achieved with awareness and the ability to sail. You are able to avoid all conflicts and never cross swords with another player if that is what you desire. Yet the threat of PvP will always remain as this is a shared world.

  • [Groans at yet another repetitive thread with an idea that was posted quickly and emotionally after a terribly bad, no good experience made in ignorance before giving a single thought of the full consequences and ramifications of their very own idea]

  • @cotu42 yes however the people who like spawn killing will be against it D:

  • @scarpionfighter said in spawn killing by outposts:

    @cotu42 yes however the people who like spawn killing will be against it D:

    Against pirates becoming better pirates and preventing them boarding the ship and presenting them with an opportunity to spawn camp?

    I bet they would be against that indeed. I have many experiences with salty pirates who are swimming near my ship 'telling' me how bad I am and to them I advise them to adapt and use the tools to achieve their goals. #BeMorePirate

    They can be the pirate they want to be, but that doesn't mean I should help them out and drop my anchor or raise my sails. First they will need to catch me if they want to be able to kill me over and over again.

    I like being a lively pirate and keeping my ship safe, I will use any tactic to assure the safety of my ship, claim the territory that I want and gather as much treasure as I can. If that doesn't align with their objectives they are free to contest me, but if they aren't hauling any loot I will just sail away or kill them all, unless they convince me to a parley and a truce... I do love a good negotiation.

  • @wes0462978 Welcome to the forums.

    Based on this data:

    You might want to keep playing instead of complaining on the forums at the first sign of trouble, this is a GAME... In games, you're gonna lose sometimes.

    Sea of Thieves is an online multiplayer SHARED WORLD game... That means you have to deal with PvP (Player vs Player) with other pirates.

    I can tell by the rest of your games list, that you're not very into action games or PvP games... You're more of a chillaxer than a gamer... you have 90% on farming simulator. o_o

    If you can't handle a bit of PvP, this game isn't for you, buddy.

    Your suggestion is not unique, it has been suggested before, many MANY times, and officially rejected by the company that created this game many MANY times, because it's too easy to exploit, and also because it goes against the entire theme, which is thieves of the sea, aka, Pirates... :P

  • @roguedk

    make it a rule to just plain ignore people telling you to "learn to play".

    Yes you should learn some basic PvP skills but you should learn how the game works first.

    PvP is hard to learn, so start out with learning how to control your ship

    What a lovely contradiction. -.-'
    Cognitive dissonance is getting very old, mang...
    Though i will admit that it's funny to watch you tell someone to ignore you, as you instruct them on what they should do. xD

  • @wes0462978 soooo, because you failed to look for the signs that someone could be at the outpost such as a mermaid and or a rowboat, you want a safe place? get out of here with that nonsense.

  • Pahahahahaha. What a stupid idea.

  • @wes0462978 said in spawn killing by outposts:

    dear sea of thieves
    what to do against spawn killers at outposts ??
    can i do somting a bout them ??
    most of the time i get killd and spawn killd at an outpost
    is it poseble to make an outpost a save place for players as soon you dock in at an outpost other players cant get your loot or kill you
    and spawn kill you
    if an outpost is a save place its brings more strategy to the game i think
    and more players wil enjoy it wen an outpost becomes a save place for pirates to rest and re suplay ther ships wiht out being under attack
    with this way players can easely find more pirates to ad to there friends list and play together in a crew and go on adventures with there new friends hope i hear from you and your opinion

    no you can't save in this game it's not a saving game or a safe zone game

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