Band Camp - Shanty Singers

  • Shantymen have set up shop in the taverns bringing with them a piano to play at the outposts. Looking for new songs and old instruments, pirates bring them what they can find along their travels.

    Shanties / Sheet Music

    With this the instruments could have a selection wheel much like 'pirate chat' allowing them which song to play.

    credit to the 'Keelhaued' Podcast where I first heard the idea

    Find Sheet Music in messages in bottles, pirates stuggle to read so they take the sheet to the shantymen so they can teach them the new song. A small reward of gold for sharing their find with them, the player can now play this song like any other at will.


    Many lost and unkown instruments broken and barnacled. Players can find parts and pieces of these instruments underwater and along the shores of island to give to the shanty men. When a player has handed in all missing pieces they are rewarded with a new instrument.

    New instruments made from pirates, skeletons, the ancients and even the mermaids. such as;
    -(Pan) Flute
    -Hand Bell
    -Xylophone (Skeleton's ribcage has to be done)
    -Seashell intruments made by the mermaids.
    Comment your own and i'll add it.

    Thoughts? What else could be added and what purposes could the instruments serve?

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  • Haha, Swing and miss I guess. Not surprising, the intruments are heavily unused items to begin with.

  • @sailorkek I think they are more there for fun not really to effect much gameplay apart from snakes and what not

  • @losercat1 I know, that why I kept it more like hunter's call where you just happen to find it like fish in shipwreck barrels. I agree that having a voyage for instruments would be a pointless feature but this way could expand on the current music making way for new things instead of "oh the equipment shop have new instruments" or "here's a random song I had no idea how to play"

    As for snakes, if we had a flute sure, the main lobby sometimes shows the player using a flute too. But we have 4 instruents taking up inventory space with little to no practicality. IMO that needs to change, not dramatically but something different would be nice.

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