Any way to play without griefers?

  • @mrgooddemon said in Any way to play without griefers?:

    @keeedooo Real Pirates didn’t shoot each other with cannons because that would be too expensive, real pirates actually helped each other if it benefit themselves and also, ARENA is for PvP Adventure should be for grinding or we should have a PvE gamemode since we already have a PvP gamemode

    Custom servers without progression are coming for players like you. Patience.

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  • @spacemonkey907 said in Any way to play without griefers?:

    Just started playing. Like the game. Absolutely hate losing everything every single time I bring loot back to cash in. Is there any way to play solo without people interfering and destroying everything I spend 1-2 hours doing? If not I'm done with this game. What's the point? There needs to be an option to play with players or just enjoy the game solo or with just friends.

    Ok bye then.....

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