I own too many Cosmetics, Vanity items, Emotes, Pets, Weapons and Tools...

  • Curious if anyone else who bought everything available for them in the game (yes I’m one of those completionist) has their cosmetics reset after every session of playing? Yes I know it’s on the know issues list, but I’m trying to see if those who have the same problem as me have similar bought items. I have a lot of items that were taken out of the store as well since I am a Day 1 pirate. Wondering if these factors might be the reason for items resetting after every game session.

    The most frustrating one is all the emotes I paid real money for. Those are a pain remapping 5 pages worth. And don’t even get me started in having to rename all my Pets. Love the game, hope they are close to fixing this soon.

    Cheers, D1NO

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