Short Invulnerability Timer After Respawn

  • By invulnerability I mean where the player respawned cannot be attacked and cannot attack. That way we can actually have time to see our surroundings before being killed. Was just in a game with my boyfriend and we got griefed by a guy we had just sunk and taken out.

    I hopped on his boat and sunk his ship with a barrel. He got on our boat, one shot my boyfriend (full health btw), who had hit him point blank with the blunderbuss and 3 sword strikes on the way up the ladder (no knock back?). I took the mermaid back, was basically full health, and instantly get 1 shotted. When I say instantly I mean as soon as I saw color on my screen.

    You all can say "get good" but we were dominating the server for the past 6 hours with the reaper's mark. I could say he was hacking, but i'd rather blame it on game-play inconsistency. I killed him the first time, the next time I didn't even have a chance.

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  • I'm for 5s invisibility when spawn to get yourself in a safe or advanced position on your ship.
    Its your ship, you should know it best and can use the environment for your advantage.
    As long as invisible you cannot interact and cannot leave ship, but see who is around and have 5s to find a place you want to spawn in.

    @Raengo-0 [Mod edited]
    I think to spawn invisible and have 5s to move yourself would be good counter to spawnkilling.

    And for the instakills they need to fix DGE and even nerf DG.

  • @bugaboo-bill Um, interact doesn't necessarily mean "attack" in SoT; it means interacting with things like the wheel, sails, or capstan - so, if that's the case, that's 5 seconds where I can blunderbuss assassinate every single boarder... So, yeah, no thanks. Broken to the extreme, and after you're supposed to have already lost to boot.

  • Scuttle.
    You done lost your ship. No need to get gid or w/e its called these days. Cut the ship free and sail off.

  • For the respawn:
    I would decrease the respawn time by 5 seconds, and spawn the players as the ghost. They would be able to look around, change weapons and attack - but the attack would not do any damage until the ghost effect ends. Then the fight would be western style - except attacking early would cause reload animation.

    The mermaid is more tricky:
    Easy thing would be to spawn the players on ladders. It also makes sense.
    More complex feature would be spawning the mermaid underwater that carries the player for 5 seconds and then throws them on random part of the deck.

    That should fix the issue of being killed before seeing the light.

  • @galactic-geek
    It means you can only run around, not interact, not attack, not even pull a gun or anything else. Just to have 5s to get into a good position against spawnkillers.

  • @bugaboo-bill I still don't like the idea - you successfully kill everyone on board and start stealing their supplies or loot, only to get assassinated moments later (which could still happen if timed correctly, or if attacking simply makes you visible). Still OP.

  • I find it interesting that in your words, you were dominating the server, and their really wasn't problems up until that point. Yet, as soon as you lost, now all of a sudden the excuses flow. To me, this just sounds like you met your match finally. I mean, does it even matter at that point in the story? You said his ship was gone, nor do you say if you sunk after sinking his ship. It sounds like you sunk his ship, so he therefore did a bit of spawn-camping as a last ditch effort. This doesn't sound like griefing, more like getting revenge, some might even call it Vengeance.

  • @bugaboo-bill dude just get over it you are bad at pvp pirate vs pirate and shooting stop trying to nerf everything related to it. Every single post I read from you cries about double gun and any way a pirate has of killing a pirate.

    If it were up to you you would make this game ship only.. Jesus it’s just a game stop trying to ruin the fun of it just because you are not good at something.

    Spawn camping just for the sake of doing it should be punishable offense.

    Spawn trapping to prevent the crew to repair ship it’s ok. But the mechanic is fine. If you got yourself put in that position you clearly deserve it.

  • @Bugaboo-Bill and @Chronodusk Please refrain from remarking on features tested in Insiders, as well as the outcome of those tests. Your posts have been edited or removed accordingly.

  • I actually agree with this idea. A short time to not be able to attack or be attacked to understand your surrounding would help players combat 'campers', the players who like to kill you, repair your ship to make sure you keep coming back and killing you again - this was especially a big problem with PC vs Console players that I have seen in the past, but perhaps the latest opt out feature will help combat this itself.

  • @lady-aijou


    Respectfully - In my comment I said that I had a personal feeling that there might have been something, like just speculation or a guess, but did not give any affirmative confirmation of any firsthand knowledge of something from the Insider program.

    I don't see that as a break of the NDA so I hope it doesn't count against me as such. I'll be more careful though, thanks.

  • There are problems with having invincibility after respawn. Firstly, if you could be invincible you could start bucketing and repairing your ship, and the person who has boarded your boat can't do anything about it. Secondly, if you say, "well, then you just can't use items when you are invincible," then that could cause problems with people sinking because they can't get their bucket out or do anything because they are going through there invincibility period! If they were to add this it would have to be one to two seconds maximum, while at the same time it being obvious to both you and the other person that you are in an invincibility period.

  • @brunk How about the person who died cant use weapons specifically

  • I half agree with your post, but I believe this invulnerability period should only be given upon loading back into the game from the Ferry because if you get that invulnerability from mermaids it can be abused in a sense. (Use mermaid, hop onto enemy ship as soon as you spawn and climb ladder while being protected by invulnerability. Even worse, climb to their crows nest while protected to drop kegs if they had any.)

  • @raengo-0
    You and your boyfriend should come back from the Ferry at the same time and try for the 2v1. If he still beats you, sadly you’ve met your match and have lost.

  • @burnbacon Would have scuttled if it weren't for our ritual skull and having all the lanterns. Oh well though, dude only got 10 doubloons. If he was smart he could have waited till we did fort of the damned.

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